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Surrey byway abuse


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I have asked for help on this before and some have shot me down for it, but I'll ask again in the vague hope that most owners have scruples.

A number of byways are being heavily abused in this area, both on byway and by leaving the byway.

Banking is being trashed, posts pulled out to gain illegal access to more "challenging" areas, bridleways turned into mud baths, the list goes on and on

This is happening off the Drove Road, Wolverns Lane, the Landslip at Coldharbour, Sheepwalk Lane, Beggars Lane and London Lane.

This needs to stop, video evidence has been passed to Surrey Police of abuse on these byways and one vehicle has been impounded, but it still carries on.

Its time the legitimate users stood up and were counted, if you see others abusing the byways or driving illegally then take a photo and pass it onto me.

Of course you could just ignore it, but if you do this I hope you enjoy your trip along these byways as it could be your last, they will be getting closed if this abuse continues and that will be the fault not only of the abusers but those that stood idly by.

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Hear Hear!

Good luck getting the point across. Unfortunately, everyone (well almost everyone :lol: ) on here is pretty responsible. All we can do is actively report the scrotes who do the damage to the police and local authority. :angry:

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Hear Hear!

Good luck getting the point across. Unfortunately, everyone (well almost everyone :lol: ) on here is pretty responsible. All we can do is actively report the scrotes who do the damage to the police and local authority. :angry:

But most people dont report it, often due to lack of knowledge and imtimadation from the abusers.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Personally i havnt used green lanes in years & couldnt give a **** if they were closed or not -basically because the f****g government will do what they want anyway & ive lost the will to live with that argument.

However in the past i have really enjoyed them & think they should be kept open & used properly.

The problem lies i believe with people like my Nephew .He & his mates have just bought a Toyota & his words to me were "**** me this offroading lark is great" so obviously i agreed & enquired what sites have you been too.

"dont bother with site we just drive on the tracks going off into the forest "

What UTRs & RUPPs etc ?????

"what ????? you know footpaths etc there are some great tracks off the A3 "

How can offroaders cope with muppets like that !!! Oh yer its my wifes nephew not blood relative :rolleyes:

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  • 3 weeks later...

So he will be one of the people trashing the Drove Rd, lets hope he puts it on youtube, at least we can download it and pass it onto the Police.

The only way abusers will be educated is through prosecution.

"speak nicely and carry a big stick"

Ive tried to reason with people, Ive flown off the handle at people (and been threatened with violence), now all I do is photograph and push for prosecution.

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Was down these lanes a year or so back now with SouthLondonSurrey-LRC, and we approached two chaps who were 'off piste', and mainly cos they were in LR's. Turns out they had no idea, had bought their vehicles recently and were out for a 'play'. Explained where they could go to pay'n'play sites and about GLASS etc.

Have also been down there since and seen the qauds and 'don't give a fik' crowd - not a nice lot.

BTW bathtub I know your in the off-road scene, perhaps need to take your Nephew and his mates to one of the serious challenge events, sitck them in with Nick (if still on the scene after Wales last year?) might find they prefer them more, as driving in woods for no reason will eventually bore them. Have you suggested taking them to Bures or Slindon ? Perhaps if go with a bunch of people it'd help ? What your thoughts.

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Peter, I know what you mean about certain elemants abusing the byways and surrounding areas.

Had a run in with a green 110 crewcab, 'zuki and Trooper type vehicle. The Trooper was the only one off byway, said hed broken something, I admit I went in all guns blazing (as they had ruined a great day laning) but did apologise. The big lump driving the white 'zuki wanted to beat the hell out of me, the 110 driver restrained him, and none of them knew they were driving on a road!

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  • 2 weeks later...

With only 64 miles or so of byway left in Surrey it's hardly surprising that we're seeing damage on the legit routes and vandalism from people to open up 'new' routes.

I live in the middle of that patch so I'll keep my eyes open but as they're so congested I tend to only drive a few and then generally at odd hours.

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