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Fuel delivery problem?


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Hi everyone,

On my way to work yesterday (n my 90 that i'm selling, fxxking typical) it suddenly decelerated to tickover.

It'll happily tick over all day long, but wont hold a constant higher throttle.

If you leave it a 20+ seconds you can have a little rev, if you leave it 30 seconds quite a rev, couple of mins on tickover, couple of sustained revs (sufficient to turn it round) outside the house.

I've invstigated nothing so far, but it seems fuel delivery to me... but i'm no expert!

Fuel filter blocked? Fuel pump buggered? Turbo actuator?

Can't afford to take it to a garage and i've got a bloke coming saturday hopefully to buy it! :o


Why do these things ony ever happen when you're selling cars?

I am officially unhappy. :(

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