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JST Drive around day

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Just like to say a big thank you to James and Mark for the drive around day on Sunday.

For any one wondering if this is worth a trip all the way to Devon for the answer is yes.

Definatly challenging and non damaging for a mildly prepared or standard car and not just a walk in the park for a well prepared car.

We had a full day with plenty to keep us amused. And we survived Lardys hill.

Thanks again

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Thank you. But I only did as I was told by James. He desrves all the credit for the route etc. I was just along for the ride and to get stuck every now and again. To keep you lot on your toes :P

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Map given to me wasn't clearly marked, directions given verbaly were vague. And in the past I've just followed the car in front :P .

To be fair I've not had any complaints about the route I took. All my group made it round OK. Didn't get lost, just missed a small section out BUT we went back and did it. The only place I didn't contemplate going was in the quarry. We just didn't have time to have a drive around in there and get out before breakfast :P .

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Map given to me wasn't clearly marked, directions given verbaly were vague. And in the past I've just followed the car in front :P .

Wow, they rolled off the tongue quickly didn't they, not like the first time they have been used!!!!!! :P :P :P

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