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LPG regulations


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I am looking for a copy of the LPGA COP 11 regulations.

A couple of years ago I DIY converted my RRC to LPG. Now as far as I'm concerned I am very particular about my standards of construction and I am happy that the installation is safe.

However, my insurance company at the time were not concerned with seeing an inspection certificate so I never got it checked. I have since fallen out with that company and my current insurer wants an inspection.

I would like to know what the regs are so I can decide if I conform to them before wasting money on a checkup only to find it needs a load of things improved. This is the same as I would check and repair a vehicle before taking it for an MOT.

Unfortunately trawling the internet has not produced a free copy of the COP 11, so if anyone has a copy and wouldn't mind 'sharing' it I would be very happy, and it would be another opportunity to escape to the garage to play this weekend.

Obviously if something is not safe I would prefer to know and have the chance to correct it myself first.



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Have you tried asking on a more 'LPG specific' forum?

Obviously you may run into flak from trade people, or the LPGA itself, if you so blatantly request a free copy, so you might like to remove the the 'f' word, just say you want to check it complies, etc.

http://www.lpgforum.co.uk/ is the one I had in mind.

I'm not a regular visitor, so don't have current experience of the site and forum contents, I merely had it booked from several years ago.


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This is an interesting topic,I often get asked about insurance requests on LPG and security systems.My standard answer for the LPG side is to ask what standard is it to be inspected to ? If you go back to the insurer often the answer is " a competent person" or if you mention the car has a current MOT certificate then that will do.The LPGA is not an officially recognised body and a couple of people I know who have passed their courses were quite scathing about the standards required,almost a take one as you leave approach.Also some of the "approved" LPG converted cars I have worked on have left much to be desired in terms of pipe routeing/security etc.I am amazed that the ministry have not jumped on LPG and put proper standards into place - in Australia you need a recognised qualification to even service LPG kit and each fitting requires a plate with the fitters name/number on it.

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Hi AllyV8,

I totally agree with your line of thought. It was the standard of workmanship I saw at 3 different LPG installers that lead me to the DIY route, I wouldn't have let any of them near my motors.

Since then I have converted my V8 Ninety, a friend's V8 hybrid, another friend's RRC, a 3.9 Disco and most recently my own RRC. All have worked without problems. I am an engineer (not mechanic) by profession and have high standards and low opinions of shoddy work.

Some insurers talk about 'certificates of installation', others ask if the installer was CORGI registered! I can hardly see how a domestic gas installer would know about autogas installations or COP11, never mind automotive electrics. OK don't shoot me down, I expect someone on the forum has all these qualifications and does know what they're up to.

Hmmm, very tempting to inspect it myself and write a certificate and put my engineering qualifications at the bottom! However without access to COP11 I wouldn't know if I conformed or not. Unfortunately as I don't do LPG conversions for a living, going on a course is rather a pricey option.


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My suggestion is to call Gordon Finlay or E-mail him via his website.Gordon really does know his stuff and will advise accordingly.In the first instance I would tell your insurers of your qualifications and how they relate to your LPG setup.If a claim got as far as a court case how well do you think the COP11 regs would stand up ? I had a quick scan through of the link you posted and the only parts that really meant anything were the BS standards for tanks and pipes.

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