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Try to get in Contact with Land Rover Customer Relationship Center


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I'm bougth a brand new Defender 100 SW in December 07 in Chile and according to them, the first maintenance should be at the 10.000K (fairly less than the 12.000 miles that the manual said). But its OK.

My problem is that they put a motor oil that does not correspond to the manual specifications. When I ask them if they have the approval from LR to put this oil they said that the approval come from LR Brazil. I ask for a written instruction from LR authorizing this change but they deny to show me this information.

By the way the diesel consumption has been increased 10% after the oil change :angry:

I wrote to the LR Customer Relationship center 2 faxes and sent a letter by express air mail to them explaining the situation but nothing happens.

Does anybody have an e-mail and/or contact of the LR Customer Relationship Center to write them in order to speed up the answer? (phone calls are quite expensive!!)

Thanks in advance


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You refer to a 'Center', that is the American spelling; in the UK it would be 'Centre'.

Where are you trying to get in touch with, North America or the UK?

I don't have a specific contact point for a Customer Relationship Center, but on the grounds that sneaking around the side may help, I get Publicity Information sent to me from Land Rover UK [email@landrover.rjs0.com], so you could try if they will answer.

As you see, that is a UK address.

Hope This Helps.

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My brother worked in a Dealership in Australia (Brisbane) and they service 110 at 10,000K as well and not 20,000K (12,000 miles) as this is due to different temperature conditions and more dust.

Also look in your manual as the defenders use different oils depending on the high and low temp and conditions of a country . He had to change alot of the oils in his 90 which he exported to Aus as the oils were for temps -10 to +30 and he had to change them to oils that could handle higher temps as in Aus it is over 30 for most of the summer and does get up to 48 at times

You have to remember all land rovers come of the line with the oils for Europe temps and not for hotter areas

Also LR Brazil Used to and i think still do get there trucks form Conrico and not LR so you have to speak to conrico who will be alot more helpful than land rover will ever be.

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David, Jules, thanks for your answers.

David, Im trying to get in touch with UK (defenders are not sold in USA) and you are rigth the word is 'Centre'. Sorry for the misspelling. I will try with this email.

Jules, Thanks I will try to get in contact with LR Brazil.

The Land Rover defender Owner's manual is quite specific "Use only 5W-30 oil meeting Land Rover specification WSS-M2C913-B." and the oil that they are using is a 0W-40 that not meet the specification. the only thing that I like to have is an statment from LR that allows to use this oil.


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