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Overland routes through Africa

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Are you a "prospective" over-lander to Cape Town?

Or have you already done other over-land routes?



It has been a dream of mine for many years to cross Africa (either by car or bicycle), but I have not always been in a position financially to own a vehicle capable of making such a journey.

I have now owned my Defender for 18 months, and have managed to get in quite a lot of vehicle experience (greenlaning/pay & play/travelling.)

Apart from a few trips through Europe, I guess that would make me more a "prospective" Overlander, as my expeditions so far have only ran for a matter of weeks, rather than several months.

However, I do have a lot of travel experience, as I spent many years of my life backpacking & travelling around. I also grew up in South Africa (but born in England) so know the country better than I do the UK.

By the way, nothing wrong at all with that vehicle of yours! It was due to a Toyota in South Africa, that I vowed to own a 4x4 at some point. Dare I say it on this forum? But to this day, I hold a very special place in my heart for a Toyota Hilux Raider.


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The 2.7 petrol Raider,

Very capable. My good friend in CPT has one, a little "thirsty" I might add.

I lived in Cape Town for 16 years, so, could take you round Cape town and the peninsular, better than Liverpool, Manchester or the North West !

And You? Fancy a drive to Cape Town?

I am considering doing it in say 24 months from now.

Need that time so save!

My wife is a South African girl, and her family, brothers sisters etc, are still there, we have strong ties there still.

Hence the overland trip to Cape Town is more than just an idea, it's some thing that is close to my heart.

We have a small house in Cape Town suburbs, just 7km outside Cape Town itself.

It is a wanting fact that my wife wants us to buy a bigger house in CPT, and retire there.

I just need a bit of convincing.

I will see if I can send PM.

Maybe not enough posts yet !


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Hello Martin and others,

It looks like there could be a route change for our trip to Cape Town September / October 2010.

After listing all the possible charges for vehicle carnet,

It is more clear, that if your' in a vehicle thats circa £10k, and Egypt is on your route, then it's expensive.

There is a school of thought now, possible run down to Istanbul, through Syria, through Jordan and into Saudi.

head for Jeddah, and ferry across to Saawakin, in Sudan, thats just 100km's south of Port Sudan.

then continue on the Ethiopia, Kenya, ect,

Page 1 from the beginning,


here is page 2 of the thread for anyone interested. (Carnet costs etc)


This trip is just going to get done, but not at throwing money away, just to drive through Egypt.

Oh, and also the ferry from Aswan to Wadi Halfa, is also costly.

this is so, because there is no permitted road crossing between Egypt and Sudan, so the ferry is a must.


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We looked at that route. Like you say the Egypt is no no for the Carnet cost.

Also I've heard no GPS in Egypt. Anybody else heard that ?

Margaret and myself have knocked the drive down on the head, well at least for the time being, so if we can get medical cover we'll ship to Namibia as we usually do.


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Hello Mike,

GPS banned in Egypt !

Never heard of that one,

But who's to see you are using GPS anyway,

Road signs are very good any way, all the way down to Aswan.

Which route had you been looking at, perhaps the Istanbul, Syria, Jordan would suit you guy's.

Were you going to ship back to UK after arriving in Cape Town?


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  • 1 month later...

Hello Mike,

Found more information about carnet for Egypt


Scroll down to "Africa" section.

Last few lines are interesting.

leave a 2000Euro deposit on entry, and collect 2000Euros on satisfactory exit.

Could make the whole carnet thing much cheaper if leaving Egypt off the list of countries, as Egypt is the 800% one.

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  • 1 month later...

hi all..

im rather interested in all this.. i have been looking up doing a expedition for a good 2-3 months now.. but it seems that i just have not done enough looking up..

could anyone tell me what the pro's and con's are for the yellow rought? im planning on doing this somtime in the next 1-2years or so after i have finshed uni and gathard enough funds.

i don't knwo much about traveling but from what i gather you have to wait in each contry for a visa to get into the next? but do you get a set time your allowed in each contry?

but would a k reg 200Tdi 90 be up for the job?

cheers sam

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im rather interested in all this.. i have been looking up doing a expedition for a good 2-3 months now.. but it seems that i just have not done enough looking up..

could anyone tell me what the pro's and con's are for the yellow rought? im planning on doing this somtime in the next 1-2years or so after i have finshed uni and gathard enough funds.

i don't knwo much about traveling but from what i gather you have to wait in each contry for a visa to get into the next? but do you get a set time your allowed in each contry?

but would a k reg 200Tdi 90 be up for the job?

cheers sam

Hey Sam,

Pro's of the yellow route are:

1) Fuel is dirt cheap.

2) The Carnet costs the least via this route.

Cons are:

1) It is a newly opened route, and getting the visa from the Saudi embassy is a bit of a faff.

2) You will be travelling through areas that neighbour war zones.

Some visas can be obtained at border crossings. For example, Morocco, turn up, fill out the paper work and your off. Some visas have to be obtained in advance (either in the UK or a neighbouring country to the one you plan to enter.) Good luck getting a Sudanese visa!

Any Tdi vehicle will be ideal. A K-reg 200 will have a very low market value, so your Carnet will be a lot lower. The older the vehicle the better basically, unless your a lottery winner.

If you are unsure what a Carnet is, see my thread I wrote HERE

When you say "gathered enough funds"........whatever you think you will need for whatever expedition you attempt.....add 50% to that, and have that much available.

Any other questions please ask.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I have done the red route as far as Senegal ( I stopped in Gambia) in a BMW 732i that cost a160 quid! Its a great fun route and by taking a proper vehicle that is up to it you would be able to have a lot of fun. Atlas mountains are a must, and play in the desert in Mauritania. If you go that way make sure that you drive on the beach there. Its about 50 odd miles and is utterly fantastic :D

Some pics are here of that part of the world should you be interested.

Good luck!


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Hi Martin

Are you psychic ??

They are the routes we're looking at.

Egypt is out even for us. Working an a vehicle value of £3,000 that will equate to £24,000 for the bond. I can't see any bank covering that. Even my house which they hold the deeds for.

I'm hopeing that by the time we get to go the Defender is only worth a £1,000 or less. You do realise the value is the bottom book price without any extras fitted.

I believe there's still problems with the yellow route. Syria. Lebonan and Isreal. What I still haven't found out yet.

Also I notice that if you have an Isreali, South African and a couple of other country stamps in your passport certain countries will not issue a visa.

Margaret has I think taken the "If I can't beat 'em I'll join 'em, anyways she got a plie of Brant and Lonley Planet books from the library.

Have you seen any book maps of Northern and Central Africa. Titles would help.

We're at Driffield this weekend. Margaret's going to be priming some of the tour companies.


A leopard can change its spots.

Can'tyou buy an insurnace policy to cover the value of our carnet? we did in the 80s and 90s no problem and got half the payment back when we returned

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