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Strange noise


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New to disco ownership but yesterday it started making an odd noise on the way home from work, and again today on the way to work, a sort of grinding noise which at one point today turned into a metallic squeak, very similar to the sound you get when drilling a piece of steel in a bench drill :ph34r: but not as loud, anyone any suggestions as to what it could be? its a 1995 300 tdi and its doing it on the straights, i dont think its been serviced in a while (im plodding through that) so did wonder if maybe its a dry uj on a propshaft, anyone know whether the hardy spicer joints which paddocks sell are any good? as at £6.50 a piece i may be tempted to replaced all of them anyway

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Wheel bearings make horrible noises, but so do small stones lodged in the brake disc guards or calipers :)

The UJs are worth checking too, if it is making a noise like that it will not be so much "dry" as "heading for the bin", if in doubt change it as they make a mess when they let go and you end up with all sorts of nasty dents in the floor and a desperate need for a change of underwear :huh:

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Well i have been out and greased them all up and taken it for a quick spin down the lane with my head out the window (hard to do in work traffic) and it sounds like a bird twittering away underneath, im going to have someone else drive it in a minute whilst i stand and listen as at slow speed there does appear to be a noise coming from the rear (i think) i did notice that the sliding joint on the front prop was very dry and slightly shiny so did wonder if thats whats been causing the nasty noise i had earlier, does anyone know of a cheaper source of these (without skimping on quality) http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/LAND-ROVER-DISCOVERY...3QQcmdZViewItem i know what i will be doing this weekend then :rolleyes:

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The sliding joint may be dry but is unlikely to make the twittering, if it sounds like a bird wedged somewhere then it is probably a UJ.

The prop tools are all fairly expensive, it will take a bit longer but a couple of 9/16" AF combination spanners will do the job. I have a prop tool as I think they are worth it and you probably will too after the first time :)

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Yeah seem to remember back from working on series vehicles and rangerovers that the bolts where a bit of a fiddle so will get the socket, now before i order them does anyone have anything bad to say about the gkn universal joints as when using gkn cv joints and boots on cars in the past they have always been of good quality but never tried their uj's..... is there anything else on the propshafts that tends to wear making them unserviceable? im going to leave the propshaft damper on the back alone for the minute as it looks ok and i figure i can just slide the front of the shaft off the rest at the sliding joint and leave it attached at the back, bolts i will order on ebay i think as they are cheap and i doubt the dealers would stock them (or be as cheap)

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I am fairly sure that GKN are the OEM part for UJ's i.e. you will get a GKN joint if you buy a genuine one. They are certainly as good as you will find :)

The splines on the shaft will wear but unless really bad this might just make a slight knock when coming off and on the power or driving over rough ground. It can be annoying (very!) but that is all.

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Right the noise has got a lot lot worse coming home today, nasty feeling its coming from the rear axle, the noise is there all the time now and is a sort of regular clicking/grinding (half wondering if its a chipped tooth or something) and every time you stop or start off in traffic it sounds like something is catching, not a nice sound, im going to jack the back up now and support it on stands, im hoping that by spinning the rear wheels i can identify the problem, pretty sure its rear anyway :wacko: if it was the rear axle causing the problem and i removed the rear prop and took it for a short drive should i expect the fault to still be present or not be there as surely the innards of the axle are still rotating

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I did touch the hubs but they didnt appear hot, anyway having jacked it and sat it on stands the noise is coming from the osr, so out i popped the halfshaft out (looked fine) then i immediately saw what the problem was, a rather rusty wheel bearing with little in the way of grease, sure enough turn the hub over by hand with no half shaft and its the cause of the noise, some resistance too, so i shall order up some bearings for the rear, may as well do both sides as the other cant be far behind, anyone any thoughts on these kits? http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...A:IT&ih=011 feeling much happier i now know its nothing serious!

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