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Heater blowers packed up


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The other day the heater started to play up & now doesn't work 99% of the time.

First off the blower started cutting out & coming on when I went round corners which seemed very odd, thinking about it, it must be just coincidence. Now it doesn't seem to work at all apart from the other morning when I started it up the blower was going, then I went to the garage & when I turned it back on nothing..................& nothing since.

Any ideas please as its bloody freezing............... :o:(

The only thing I can think may have had a contributing factor was back in June. I went through some deep deep muddy water which came over the bonnet, in through the bonnet vents, through the dash & came out of the heater controls. Its all been working since though until the other day.

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Sorry for being a bit thick here, but "under the wiper panel"? Mines took a wee while to blow the other day but seems fine now so if it's starting to go i'd wanna keep on top of it.

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the panel behind the bonnet where the windscreen wipers come through

some call it the decker panel others call it the scuttle panel

has loads of names but thats where it is


and i have been thinking normally when the resistor fails the motor will still run on speed 3 (resistor is for speed 1 & 2) but the motor feed still runs throught it and if yours is covered with wet mud could have corrded the terminals so bad they have broke off??

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if it was my car with this fault the first thing i would do is check for voltage supply to the motor

if none there check at resistor pack

then at switch

then back to fuse

if you have no voltage at fuse then fuse box is shot

but at least this way your working in a methodical manner and if it is a wiring not component fault you know what area to be looking in

could also be a simple switch/resistor/motor failure too tho

with electrics never over look the obvious (i talk from experiance here :blush: ) and work in a methodical way rather than dashing from one point to the next


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What model and year are we talking about?

My 87 does not have the resistor pack under the decker panel.

I would be starting at the blower control as that is the easiest to get at.

The decker panel can be a pig to remove.

Seem to remember my resistor pack was behind the switch panel.

Can only talk for my wiring, so....

WLG = live from fuse 7.

RB = high speed which goes to fan motor but via a connection on the resistor pack.

So if you have volts at WLG wire on blower switch set the blower switch to high and you should have volts at RB wire which goes almost directly to the motor.

Do you have A/C? Mine has so there is also a relay in the circuit.

Took photos of mine when it was stripped down but do not have access to them at the moment as my son has our server shut down for repair.


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