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O-rings - need a source for a single ring...


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Thanks guys, FKD - I don't have a 'local bearing guy'...

Homme de la pomme - cool stuff, I wonder how it doesn't leak at the 'joint' / end?

Thanks for the offer Will - swing by for a cuppa if you're passing.


Thanks Al - I'll take you up on that some time.

FKD, what does that stand for? F**King Drivel???? It would be appropriate....

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Be fair on the new guy, you've not exactly been welcoming.

He came on and answered the original post with a good answer, just because it wasn't the answer you wanted (ie you wanted some for free) it was still a valid answer. You asked where to order some from - he gave a good suggestion which you could choose to drive to or order from - exactly what you asked for.

This place is really going down hill with regulars ganging up together for pointless attacks on newbies.

Yes it was wrong of FKD to call you thick, but you didn't need to rise to it, a more appropriate response to post #15 (which had a humour icon at the end) would have been to simply say something like "Thanks FKD - but I've managed to sort one now - I'll bear it in mind for next time"

The this would have all been avoided and you would keep a potential new user on the website.

I think you lot should be ashamed of yourselves for alienating new folk

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