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Glowplug question

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Really productive morning with diesel spill rail replaced - fed up with smell of diesel in cab :D and the engine breather filter cleaed. Whilst waiting for the parrafin to dry out I thought I would change the glowplugs too. The all came out OK but were covered with thick black oil. I do not know what this means so perhaps someone might be able to explain.

I also had a new glowplug relay so I reckoned it would do no harm to replace that whilst I was at it.

More important, however, is that the new glowplugs went in fine and made electrical connections OK. Three seem bombproof (hope not tempting fate) but the fourth (on cylinder 2 from the front) seems to have the electrical part slightly separated from the body in that the wire wobbles under finger pressure despite the main 10mm bolt being secure.

Is this an issue?

I would rather know before I start it up just in case I have inadvertantly created an exploding situation!

Any suggestions most helpful - still waiting for the filter to dry off fully.



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