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Electric Window Problem


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So while i was working on the disco today and discovering that my clutch was still knackered, the missus decided to play with the electric windows.

Seems that they both wind down as you would expect, however trying to wind UP either window, causes the other window to wind down.

I managed to get them closed by winding the drivers all the way up (which made the passenger side go down), then holding it up while winding the other side up, but this is a temporary solution at best.

Is this a common fault? Where should i be looking to rectify it?


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My guess would be a common earth somewhere which is broken/detached, this means that when you shove juice through one motor, instead of going back through the earth it goes back through the other motor and makes that one go the other way. Not sure exactly where to look but I think it will be something along these lines.

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makes sense i guess, especially seen as i've just had the entire dash out to replace the heater matrix, its quite possible i've knocked something off.

I really need a wiring diagram or something to go any further though.

Anyone know of such a thing online?

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If its a 300 the RAVE cds will cover the wiring though the old format wiring diagrams are about as clear as mud, if its a 200 you are pretty much screwed for electronic manuals - I've never seen any such thing.

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Its a 200 series, 1990 on a G plate.

There surely must be some kinda manual for it? What do landrover do to trace electrical faults?!

One thing i found odd was that under the console with the electric window switches, there is a ton of spare wires. Another three that look like they should go to window switches, and some other random connectors.

Its a 3 door, so i guess it could be that they fitted 3 doors with a 5 door loom? Or could it be related to the fact that its a very early model (registered by landrover in 1990, and has the bonnet pull on the wrong side)

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I agree with Bogmoster, it looks like an earth issue.

You can also disconnect one switch at a time, see if the remaining one does its job properly. Then test the disconnected switch with a multimeter to see if it works as it should (the contacts inside remain closed when you push the other side etc and vice versa).

Here's the diagram:


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I love a puzzle! :D

I'm not convinced about the earth thing - I don't see a way of reproducing the fault by disconnecting any of the earths. My vote would be for an incorrectly replaced bit of wiring, but the diagram doesn't give enough info about physical connections.

Anyway, hope you sort it :)

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Well today i put the battery back on (it was flat and needed charged) and have discovered the central locking on the passenger door isnt working (it was before)

Seems a bit coincidental to me that the window and central locking both break, so i'll take the door card off when i get a chance and have a look at the wiring inside the door to see if anything is out of place.

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