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wheel arch flares

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I've got some fibreglass wheelarch flares on my Disco, sadly I've broken one.

Anyone know where I can get more?

I did see a year or so ago someone selling identical looking ones in rubberised plastic, these would be ideal but I can't find them for sale anywhere now.

Please help.

Thanks CD :)

Which one have you broken? I may know of a OSF fiberglass one that is now a spare. Friend of mine broke one and could'nt get a fiberglass replacement so bought a pair of flexi fronts.

Or you could try Steve Wells at Inovation 4x4 or GPC as I think it's called today. A quick google should give you his numbers. He is willing to supply them in pairs if you want to upgrade to flexi ones. Oh and he makes them for all the other suppliers.



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