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Are there any 101's...........


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Officially the answer would be no. From the regular armed forces that answer would be correct. What is not crystal clear is whether every single 101 has in fact been released. From the regular armed forces the answer is probably yes, but whether there are any in the TA remains a question. The only person who regularly visits that could provide a definitive response is probably Bob Morrison.

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Saw an artlicle in a mag the other day of mill manouvers and in the background? a nice camo 101 so unles (and I doubt it) it was an archive pic then I would say yes there are still some 101s in service.


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I would say no.

The TA units that are likely to have 101's (signals and artillary) have all be upgraded.

The specialist siganls around my way have had Pinzgauer's for the last couple of years and as far a I know the Artillary have the same.

There are some RB44's still around, which were due to be cast by 2001.

That said, there was a Lightweight inder a load of carp in Browing Barracks, Aldershot, about 18months ago.

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Was the driver in Uniforrm?

I would bet he wasn't!

The army has a one fuel policy for all vehicles, even down to ordering a batch of diesel motorbikes.

The only way it could still be in service is if it was part of a museum or historic type group.

The most likley option is the driver hasn't registered it and is pushing thir luck driving around on the army plates. No need for tax in the window, or insurance if he got stopped by the plod.

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