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3.9 v8 conversion

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Hi there. I have a bit of a problem and is hoping someone out there maybe able to shed a liitle bit of light of hope on it? Basically i have a fitted a 1996 3.9 v8 along with the auto to my 1987 90 (a very popular conversion, so i hear) which was relativley straight forward. Today i have started to wire it all up and have run into a few problems;

I have wired up the fuel live, the ignition live and the permanent live to the correct places. However as i turn the egnition on the relay clicks, i can then hear the fuel pump prime the turn off ( which is right for now). At this moment i then take the next step which is to start turning the engine over...... The fuel which i could clearly hear in the last stage is now no longer working! For all you landy fans that are not aware, billing is just around the corner and i am due to take this so if anyone could help with this i would be very grateful? Thanks in advance

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try another pump, sounds like the existing one is faulty.

Errr, sorry but no it doesn't.

The ECU will prime the pump when you turn it on, then will not run it again until it sees the engine turning, which is sensed by getting pulses from the coil -ve terminal.

Check that, and then look in the tech archive under V8 Hotwire EFI Diagnostics and work through it.

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Errr, sorry but no it doesn't.

The ECU will prime the pump when you turn it on, then will not run it again until it sees the engine turning, which is sensed by getting pulses from the coil -ve terminal.

Check that, and then look in the tech archive under V8 Hotwire EFI Diagnostics and work through it.

Yeah thanks for that. Got it to work it was due to a faulty relay.

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