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Removing Defender Seats...

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I've got myself a set of Rover 200 Recaro Seats and now wanting to fit them...

I've just had a quick look at how to remove the exisiting standard seats in the Defender...is it just a case of undoing the two bolts at the front of the subframe that goes into the Seat Box itself? Or am I missing something? Seems to simple...

Also, as anyone fitted Recaro's? Would be great if someone could give me some pointers/instructions...



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Seat frames should have a bolt at each corner. Wouldn't be very safe otherwise!

I can confirm that to be the case.

Slide the seats forward on their runners and you'll see 2 corresponding bolts at the back. Remove all four bolts and the seat frame and backrest lifts out. These bolts screw into a captive nut on a flat plate which is fastened to the underside of the seat box by a pop rivet. These nuts are often rusted to the bolt and it can be difficult to undo them without shearing either the pop rivet, or in more extreme cases, the bolts themselves. Hopefully you'll be lucky, I wasn't :angry:

You will have already noticed that there is a small spacer between the bottom of the runner and the seat box. This gives clearance for the runners to slide backwards and forwards.

I have never fitted Recaros from a Rover but I have in the past fitted Metro seats. It was a while ago but I don't recall any major issues, I had to make some sort of sub-frame to go between the Land Rover mounting points and the mounting points on the seat.

I've just fitted a Recaro type seat from a Vectra into my current truck and that was straight forward. I welded a couple of flat strips of 50mm x 5mm steel to the outside of the Vectra seat runners, drilled them at the correct hole centres (442mm square IIRC). I then had to make up some short spacers from tube to give the bottom of the seat clearance to the seat box and "hey presto, Bob's Your uncle and Fanny's your Aunt" they just bolted straight in. :lol:

I prefer the driving position of the new seat as it's higher, although, due to a thicker backrest, the seat doesn't go back as far as the Rover seat did. Still more comfortable though. :)



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