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TD5 throttle sticking?


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Hi all, I dont think its really a problem but ive noticed a few times lately that when I shut off the throttle and depress to change gear my engine doesnt cut off straight away, like as if the throttle cable needs lubricating but theyre fly by wire arent they? it only happens in 1st and 2nd when pulling off in traffic, relatively low speeds, about 2800 rpm. it doesnt do it all the time, just occasionally, is it nothing to worry about or is something up?

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Unplug the clutch sensor (small plug on top of the clutch master cylinder) and the problem should go away. If it does, you need a new sensor - the sensor exists to disable the anti-shunt control when you change gear, and it goes phut so it doesn't work as it should.

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ok thanks mate Ill give it a go, is it ok to drive around with it unplugged? because its an intermittant fault so Ill have to drive for a few days to check if its ok?

also Ive just looked it up on google, and found out its a problem with pulling away as well, is this why my td5 wont pull up my drive first thing in the morning? Its like I hit a flat spot and it bogs out to the point of stalling.

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You can unplug it and leave it unplugged indefinitely - one of our company vehicles has been like this for years - it just disables the ASC as I said above, so it makes the driving a bit jerky sometimes if you come off/on the throttle a bit too quickly.

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right ive disconnected the switch and the throttle response and pulling off is much better, but the revs problem is slightly worse now, holding in every gear rather than just 1st and 2nd, and once revving slightly up before going down! :huh:

confused now!

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I'm no expert at all but I read in the RAVE manual I think, that the clutch switch was to stop the engine 'flaring' when changing gear. I take this to mean that the engine will have a built in tendency to flare (rev) when changing gear which is what yours is now doing with it unplugged. When the switch is working properly I think it sends a signal to the ECU to cut fueling when the clutch is depressed.

As you say, for that price it is just worth fitting a new one anyway.

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