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D1 LT77 reverse switch woes...


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When I got my 200 disco a while back, the reverse light wasnt plugged into the switch on the gearbox, so after removing the switch and cleaning it and soaking with WD40 it works when I press it with it in my hand, but the moment its put into the gearboz I can't seem to adjust it properly. It just seems to need adjusting too finely so it just ends up staying on or not coming on at all.

Any ideas?? Do I need a new reverse switch?


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The mechanism in the top of the box is probably worn out. I had exactly the same on my first disco. You "might" be able to fix it by changing the selector bits in the to of the box but you will have to strip the centre console out and drill the rivets out to get to it. On mine the mainshaft splines on the box were also worn so I ended up having an Ashcrofts recon box. This fixed the problem with the reversing lights! :D

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Oh bugger really? That bad? So my options are to either dismantle the selector and fiddle with it or to leave it as theres F all else I can do? I really don't fancy the first option in a cold wet winter on my muddy driveway!

I'll give a new switch a blast first though and see how that goes.

Would the reverse light not working fail an MOT?

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That's interesting.......(in the Chinese sense.... :huh: )

My reversing lights stopped working about a year or so ago - last winter anyway - and I have previously posted to find there are two types of switch, mine being the one that needs to be replaced, rather than having some adjustment in it.

This relegated the task to the "round to it" category, on the grounds that I started driving before reversing lights existed and generally work on the premise that if you know where the front of the car is, the rear end should be the same distance away that its always been, etc. (Why LR think that festooning a car with cameras a la 2010 RR is a good idea is beyond me - I thought the world had been dumbed down enough with X-Factor................ :lol: )

However, of late I have noticed a reluctance to engage reverse gear, instead of just going in like a going in thing, I frequently have to dip the clutch and have a second go...........................

Anyone think this might mean a really oily fingers job?

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Does it crunch when you try and put it in reverse sometimes then? Mine does that occasionally.

No - it just doesn't go into gear. Dipping the clutch allows the shaft to rotate and in all probability it will go in the second time.

Maybe its psychological, but I've just come back from Leeds and seemed to have a problem getting into first.................... :(

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