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Coleman lantern question


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I have a 12-volt, 100W Coleman halogen lantern, run from vehicle (second) battery, and like it. However, for most purposes the light is too bright. Would it be a simple matter to add into the cable a regulator (this probably isn’t the correct word) – a dimmer, more like- so I can adjust the brightness from very low to full?

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Under running halogen bulbs is generally just a voltage thing. Lower the 12v to 11.5v or 11v or whatever and you will see a marked brightness difference and bulb life will increase quite a bit. A simple variable resistor should drop the required voltage and generate the required brightness. However this will not really see a marked increase in energy efficiency. Halogen bulbs are really just incandescent bulbs with a slightly different chemical reaction taking place. You will note that as you the lower the voltage the colour (temperature) will change to a completely different light. This might be undesired. Advice is change to a “dimmer” bulb with the require rating or change to LED. However LEDs are quite directional and I don’t know your application.

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