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Strabge Problem


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I have a 95 300 Auto and whenever I go out in it I get a "smile" on my face.

If I go off road the "smile" just get's bigger.

Is this normal ?

I've seen other Disco drivers waving to me who appear to experiencing the same problem :lol:

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it's a common problem i'm afraid, usually worse when there are inclement weather conditions such as snow or flooding - usually the time when LR''s come into their own :)

You are soooo right, it's got much worse since we've had snow :o

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Try stuffing a dead rat or rotten fish inside the ventilation pipes. Problem solved :)

Wet dogs might do the trick as well.

I've noticed the original problem too, my smile does tend to fade though with young kids in the car playing with electronic games and being unable to control their volume. Never tried putting fish in the ventilation, but a baby's nappy can certainly quash any forms of happiness when you're on a motorway run somewhere, and I'd expect the wet dogs would work, but if like me you've only got one dog, then add sprouts to their previous meal. ;)

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I've noticed the original problem too, my smile does tend to fade though with young kids in the car playing with electronic games and being unable to control their volume. Never tried putting fish in the ventilation, but a baby's nappy can certainly quash any forms of happiness when you're on a motorway run somewhere, and I'd expect the wet dogs would work, but if like me you've only got one dog, then add sprouts to their previous meal. ;)

I have had the smile problem - I think the waving is a bit naff - the sort of thing my mate does in his 110 - I think guys we know we are in the best vehicle so the smile is sufficient. Tin of tuna under the bonnet worked for me - after the snow I drove down the worse road in the area - strangely I was followed by the police who stopped when they saw how deep the first puddle I went through was.

Smile on

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have you started to develop type 2 landroveritis yet? The symptoms present tehmselves whenever there is a failure of some component or other under the bonnet, usually invloving a lot of oil and a grinding noise or loss of brakes/steering/everything. This failure is then followed by the irational desire to fix said problem viewing it as a challenge/minor inconvenience not a breakdown.

You may also find the more terminal the breakdown, the greater your resolve to 'repair' the rod sticking out the side of the engine or the drive train which is now lieing in the road. When a bulb goes you also feel a little disapointed at something so trivial requireing you attention.

Or is it just me that needs help?

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