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Defender - "Black Diamond" - remove roll cage

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I am considering bying a Defender 90, "Black Dioamond" Edition from 2003. The "Black Diamond" has a tubular frame/roll cage fitted around the windscreen and over the front doors (kind of like on the NAS Defenders)

I am not so fond of the bulky look of the frame, but on the other hand I dont want to permanently destroy the standard apparance of the car in case I want to sell it again.

Is it possible to remove this frame in a decent way? It looks like it is bolted on the sides of the chassis?

kind regards,


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Hi Christian,

First off I dont have any info on the removal of the bar!

Keep the roll cage on, Its a safety device and shouldnt be seen as bling.

My old man had the experience of a rolled Land Rover with no cage, luckily he walked away but I have seen a few pictures of Motorway roled vehicles and one "army" rolled vehicle where the roof went completely flat to the door tops!

Just to note in the picture, have a look at the passenger side and notice how there is nothing between the roof and bulkhead!

Besides this the cages are a fortune to buy and fit after market and IMHO they look quite good. :)

Hopefully I have put you off removing. ;)




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That's just sad to see sad.gif

That pic has made me consider having a roll bar fitted to mine so would too be interested in how they are fixed to the chassis.

Various ways bolted/welded if you are going to go for a roll cage IMHO go for an external one!! you will loose a lot of space if you have an internal hoop. Whitbread seem to offer best VFM again IMHO and they have some good feedback on here http://www.whitbread-offroad.co.uk.

Cheers, Jason.

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Various ways bolted/welded if you are going to go for a roll cage IMHO go for an external one!! you will loose a lot of space if you have an internal hoop. Whitbread seem to offer best VFM again IMHO and they have some good feedback on here http://www.whitbread-offroad.co.uk.

Cheers, Jason.

Cheers Jason,

I think external would be the way to go for me, space is a premium in my hard top.

A grand is a price worth paying for the extra safety in my opinion. Sigh, another item to add to the list of modifications I intend to make. :blink:

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I've just tried to google the Black Diamond edition and can't come up with any images.......but, if the 'roll bar' goes up and over the doors, then attaches to the roof (i.e. not to an internal hoop) it isn't going to add too much protection in an accident, anyway. It will just collapse as it has no bracing. It may well be attached to the chassis at the front, but IMO it won't help much.

Removing this type of set-up will leave 4 bolt holes in each wing and 4 on each side of the roof where is locates. Not overly pretty, but I suppose you could make up some little plates to bolt on in place. IMO, better to leave it on and 'deal' with the aesthetics...

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Hi Grutus,

The picture sure make me think twice before removing any roll cage.. :-/

I am currently driving a 90" soft top with a roll cage, but it's an internal one, which in my opinion looks a bit more discreete..

If I am going to remove the external cage, a solution might be to replace it with an internal cage instead..

thanks for the advice.


Hi Christian,

First off I dont have any info on the removal of the bar!

Keep the roll cage on, Its a safety device and shouldnt be seen as bling.

My old man had the experience of a rolled Land Rover with no cage, luckily he walked away but I have seen a few pictures of Motorway roled vehicles and one "army" rolled vehicle where the roof went completely flat to the door tops!

Just to note in the picture, have a look at the passenger side and notice how there is nothing between the roof and bulkhead!

Besides this the cages are a fortune to buy and fit after market and IMHO they look quite good. :)

Hopefully I have put you off removing. ;)



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