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Prop Shop


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I suspect most people have heard of the Prop Shop, but if you hadn't hears a link:


Well, got a new standard length with wide angle and 4" slip front prop for my Series, ordered Wendesday, confirmation Thursday of it being made, Friday on my doorstep, Saturday fitted. Had vibes at slow speed from the front on my old prop, but all gone now.

And to top it off, phoned them up yesterday about trying to find a datasheet for the flange mounting bolts for something I'm sorting, five minutes later they phone back and shortly after a fax turns up with the datasheet. What a helpful bunch :D

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If its not a rude question, how much?

I might need one soon.

Oh good question, standard length with the wide angle and 4" slip instead of the nasty original 2", inclusive of next day Courier and VAT IIRC was £185

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