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ABS disabling on a Disco 1 (temporary)


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Disco 1 300tdi automatic gearbox.

I think I have a faulty ABS sensor - very very occassionally, you press the brake pedal and feel a chung-chung-chung with no brakes.

If I lift off and re-apply the brakes, it's fine.

The problem is the split second in between - the natural reaction is to push harder and this has no effect.

So I'm thinking that if I had the misfortune to blow a fuse, this would result in a brake pedal that applied the brakes, albeit with no abs (until i can replace the sensor).

I can see two fuses under the drivers side dashboard, and one big fuse in the engine compartment.

(I've also read elsewhere about a passenger side relay and a plug on the abs modulator but i dont really know which/where these are - hence focussing on a fuse)

So, if I had the misfortune to blow a fuse, or several, that temporarily disabled ABS but left me with brakes, which fuse, or fuses, would it be.



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It is more likely to be a faulty sensors somewhere... I've a similar problem and plan to follow the ABS Diagnotics that are online somewhere. As soon as I find them I'll post the link. There is another similar thread on the forum here, so that's where I'll start! :)

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Just un-plug the modulator block.

It's located on the passenger side of the engine bay just in front of the screen wash bottle and behind the air filter box.It's the big lump of metal with all the brake pipes connected to it. The connector plug is on the engine side. Un-plug it.... no abs, everything else as normal.

Alternatively the fuse in the engine bay fuse box Number 8 , same result.

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I think the OP has realised its a faulty sensor, however I think he is trying to work out which fuse, if it blew, would cause the ABS to stop working.

Ah yes, I see, sorry! I was making the assumption they'd want to fix it, not ignore it :unsure:

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Disco 1 300tdi automatic gearbox.

I think I have a faulty ABS sensor - very very occassionally, you press the brake pedal and feel a chung-chung-chung with no brakes.

If I lift off and re-apply the brakes, it's fine.

The problem is the split second in between - the natural reaction is to push harder and this has no effect.

So I'm thinking that if I had the misfortune to blow a fuse, this would result in a brake pedal that applied the brakes, albeit with no abs (until i can replace the sensor).

I can see two fuses under the drivers side dashboard, and one big fuse in the engine compartment.

(I've also read elsewhere about a passenger side relay and a plug on the abs modulator but i dont really know which/where these are - hence focussing on a fuse)

So, if I had the misfortune to blow a fuse, or several, that temporarily disabled ABS but left me with brakes, which fuse, or fuses, would it be.



Before looking at fuses; does the ABS warning light come on when that happens? Does it stay on? I got an ABS sensor not working on the RH front wheel. Doesn't make any funny noises, just brakes. Can you describe the noise you are hearing, because I don't see how a faulty sensor can produce a noise and cause you temporarily to loose braking. What makes you sure its the sensor? Have you tested it? The positioning of the sensor is quite delicate, so pop it out, disconnect it and put a meter on it. Move the sensor close to a metal object. If you can a different reading/reaction, the sensor is working!

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Thanks for input everyone.

Now I can find it, the connector will unfortunately fall off, or fuse 8 will blow, this afternoon. (temporarily)

Just picking up on some of the other comments;

1. I have no choice to ignore it short term - I'll add it to the list of things to repair!

2. I have read a lot of threads on this issue, so i'm fairly sure it is a sensor but at £70 a go , etc.

3. When the abs light is on it's not a prob - as no abs so no interfering by it (the abs).

4. What i understand from other threads, and from my experience, it that the sensor tells ABS its locked so dont apply braking. This results in the pedal going hard-ish (not the vacuum pump - that was different) , and you can sort of feel a chung-chung-chung but virtually no brakes whatsoever. push as hard as you like, nothing. But lift off and then reapply and its fine (i'm guessing the sensor or the ring or something then re-evalutes and decides oh no, we're not locking up after all so give him some brakes). It isnt speed depnedent - travelling at 50 on a dry road it does it - the reaosn i've reached breaking point (no pun) is that normally i'm a pretty boring driver so brake well ahead, and have time to re-apply the brakes. But it happended the other day in stop start traffic and i was millimetres away from the car in front by the time i had braked, panicked, thought, lifted and braked again. And obivously if i had a real emergency there aint no time for a second chance at braking.

Thanks again all.

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