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Freelander 2 Cruise Control


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I've had a 2009 Freelander 2 from new and one thing that has always annoyed me is that the cruise control can't hold the set speed going downhill and therefore over speeds unless I manually change down a couple of gears to engine break.

I spoke with another Freelander 2 owner who seemed to suggest that his car automatically engine breaks when the car detects that it is going downhill, so I wanted to verify whether or not this is the case?

Appreciate some feedback from other owners on this forum? My car needs a service this month so if I can get a quick response then I can get things checked at the dealer. Maybe I have an outdated firmware on the ECU for example (is it possible to check the firmware number myself to ensure that I have the latest version?)?

Regards... Jonathan

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This might seem a bit off topic but I can offer two bits of feedback. First of all I have a Freelander 1 TD4 auto (no cruise control) and when I drive this in mountainous places like the French Alps there is a real problem with lack of engine braking and I get a similar effect to what you are seeing ie the car just goes faster and faster unless I intervene with either the brakes or the tiptronic gear lever in manual. If I touch the accelerator coming down a hill the gearbox seems to go into neutral. I believe there are five different modes of operation dependent upon recent driving style. I live at the bottom of a long hill and there is a real difference in the way the car behaves going down the hill depending on how you were driving just before you reached the top. You box is probably similar in concept.

The second point is that I used to have a Ford galaxy auto with cruise control that did what you are expecting and I found it very annoying that it would cruise up and down hills at constant speed using the gears liberally. The problem was a very noticeable effect on fuel consumption since it didn't gather speed going down and then roll up the next hill (if you see what I mean); in some cases the fuel consumption would be 50% higher using cruise control in hilly areas. I stopped using it except on motorways.

Sorry this doesn't refer to your particular car but I thought it might be useful.

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I've had a 2009 Freelander 2 from new and one thing that has always annoyed me is that the cruise control can't hold the set speed going downhill and therefore over speeds unless I manually change down a couple of gears to engine break.

I spoke with another Freelander 2 owner who seemed to suggest that his car automatically engine breaks when the car detects that it is going downhill, so I wanted to verify whether or not this is the case?

Appreciate some feedback from other owners on this forum? My car needs a service this month so if I can get a quick response then I can get things checked at the dealer. Maybe I have an outdated firmware on the ECU for example (is it possible to check the firmware number myself to ensure that I have the latest version?)?

Regards... Jonathan


when I first got my Freelander 1 V6 Sport auto- Thats one of the things I noticed it did- automatically brake going downhill- but Ive had it for 6 years now and cant say I notice it. It may be because Im usded to it or it may meean it no longer does it- I tend to notice it if im in residential streets- theres an old quarry where I live and a few steep hills with a 30 mph blackspot for coppers and radar cameras..



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thanks for the responses and apologies for the late response... seems the emails have been going into my spam folder.

i serviced the car the other week and they told me that it does not engine break with cruise control on, except that i don't really trust what i'm told here...


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