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RRC Heater resistor trauma


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Howdy folks

When I got my 1990 VM-converted Rangie, the heater blower only worked on position III with the air con switched on (though it doesn't blow cold). "No worries," I though - I purchased the after-market resistor pack. Finally got around to stripping the dash out - took this option because try as I might, I could not find the resistor in the stated place under the scuttle panel.

What I discovered was chopped wiring - not the first bit I've found on this vehicle. I think I found the correct cable - the one that runs into the heater unit itself. What's confusing me is that this has male fittings, as does the new resistor pack. The female section has only two wires present - one of which seems to be aiming for the heater control, which would make sense. Three other wires have been chopped off.

So, I've got my Range Rover interior in pieces and am utterly confused as to how to proceed. Any tips? Have I got the correct connector? Where should the resistor actually be?


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Your resistor pack replacement should be there??


This is the new packs connectors..........(above)


The old resistor (left) and new one.........

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I'm sure the wires for the resistor are linked directly to the heater unit itself. In the rave/manual it says the resistor is behind the bonnet grill (the ones next to the window) passenger side one (uk). Simple enough to get off etc. I had a thread not long ago on it. Try searching my threads ;)

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I'm sure the wires for the resistor are linked directly to the heater unit itself. In the rave/manual it says the resistor is behind the bonnet grill (the ones next to the window) passenger side one (uk). Simple enough to get off etc. I had a thread not long ago on it. Try searching my threads ;)

Just done that. Definitely no resistor sitting where yours was. I notice a chap with a 1989 heater unit says the resistor was in the unit itself. If that's the case with mine, I guess I'll be trying to get the end of the heater unit off... (guessing the unit has to come out for that? Or can you just get enough access with it in situ? I've had enough of removing bits of dash!)

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91 I think was right on the change over with models, I had an older unit that I acquired from a mate. I'm sure it's still in the garage somewhere, so I can have a look if you still need the info and give you an idea of where your looking

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On both my late 1990 and late 1991 RRCs the resistor was under the LH scuttle, prise out the traingles at the corner of the vent and then remove the grille, you should be able to see it just to the right of the hole (as you look at it).

If it's not there then seems like Mr Bodgeroo has been in there, the plug you are looking for is the same colour as the one on the resistor, and can normally be found on top of the heater, which you can just about access by undoing most of the dash and lifting the top part to access it -with small hands that is :)

I don't think that the plug you have there is the right one....

The other possibility is someone has shoved an older heater in there, anyone know of they fit?

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