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oil cooler pipes

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Hi guys. My autobox met a sticky end last year and now that I have a replacement gearbox I've been advised to replace the pipes at the same time. Thing is they aren't easy to come by and they need a different union at the gearbox end, or a very short adapter.

So I'm wondering, what are the options? basically my new box is a hybrid HP22/24, so it's go the pump housing form a P38 on it but it's going in a RRC.

Will the P38 pips fit, or are they routed differently?

Does anyone sell new RRC oil cooler pipes?

Do I get them made up to order?

Anyone got advice on cleaing the oil coolers out? I cannot afford to replace them, it would be over £500.

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I see you're also asking in the wanted forum for unions.

In my truck i replaced the nipples in the gearbox with ones which go from the M18 to 1/2" bsp - this is a common fitting size. Then had some hydraulic hose made to the correct length :)

This will give you new clean pipes which will be better than some old items !


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What Zim said - make up new hoses. Just be sure you use a hose that does not degrade with ATF in it. Be specific with that requirement at your hydraulics supplier of choice or you will be shopping for another gearbox very soon!

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I might try ringing that Think Automotive then. I managed to get one "new old stock" pipe but the union fitting changed in 1994 ish and mine has the later ones, this new pipe is the older style.

I'd also considered buying 300 TDi auto pipes and "modding" them, I have an extra oil cooler so one of the original ones had to be done.

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