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90 TD5 fuel tank strap

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I've had a quick look at mine - can't see a great deal from the side but on mine there is a gap of around 5mm between the strengthening bar and the chassis bracket/support. The gap is filled towards the inside of the chassis by a foam/rubber pad that sits between the two (you can't see the pad on the picture as it's too far in from the outside).

Not easy to get a picture when it's raining and the wheel is still on but hope this helps :) Ignore the extra bit of wiring loom running on the top of the chassis, that's for the LPG system IIRC. It's just tucked into the convenient gap, the body isn't actually sat on it !


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It would be worth looking at where the stiffeners run relative to the tank/tub. Mine is a TD5 rear tub and it could be something as simple as the stiffeners being in slightly the wrong place for the tank on your tub. The tank has a raised area in the middle that has to slot between the two stiffeners.

It might be just the angle the pics are taken at but the rearmost stiffener on yours looks to be further forwards than the one on mine and that would certainly cause a problem as the stiffener would be sat on the raised part of the tank instead of being just behind it. I can take some measurements of their positions tonight if it'll help.

On Les' first picture above you can see the raised area and the marks where the bottom of the stiffener has been resting on the lower part of the tank either side of the raised area.

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They may be slightly different to a TD5 tub, but the raised part is definitely inbetween the stiffeners.

The front of the tank sits in the same place as Les', though on Les' pic, the back strut/stiffener seems to sit to the rear of the plastic 'pads' on the tank, whereas mine I think sits on them...

Think I've got two routes to take: one is to take the tank out and sort the body out, then try and get it back in. The other is get the roof/windscreen loosely bolted together, so that that's in the right place (don't think I'd need the doors on as well just yet?), and then see how it looks

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Sorted it, I think...

Took off the bulkhead brackets, and attached the roof to the bh in the correct positions.

Still no good.

So then I dropped the tank out, made up some suitable spacers, and got the body in the right place.

Then jacked the body up again, put the tank in, lowered the body onto it, and it was still a bit high. So got out an f-off big cramp and compressed it about 1/4 inch or so, and it seems to be ok for now!

Onto the next problem...

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