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Derby council have volunteers in Land Rovers

Ian Barrett

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Last week a spokesperson from Derby council said they were ready for winter by having grit etc and "volunteer 4x4 drivers"

Now I've found the 4x4 Response Network website but the Nottinghamshire link doesn't work and there is nothing for Derbyshire.

I live on the border of Leics/Derbys/Notts and wondered if anyone knew where I could volunteer my truck cab Land and me for winter duties.

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Last week a spokesperson from Derby council said they were ready for winter by having grit etc and "volunteer 4x4 drivers"

Now I've found the 4x4 Response Network website but the Nottinghamshire link doesn't work and there is nothing for Derbyshire.

I live on the border of Leics/Derbys/Notts and wondered if anyone knew where I could volunteer my truck cab Land and me for winter duties.

Looks like Derbyshire is covered by the Peak District: http://www.4x4response.info/?pid=groupregister and http://www.peak4x4response.org/

Leicestershire: http://www.leicestershire4x4response.org.uk/

The Nottinghamshire link as you say, doesn't seem to work.

Hope this is of some help.


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In 4x4Response terms, Derbyshire is covered by Peak4x4Response The link shows our rough area of coverage (people cross borders if the work needs doing). Use the drop down menu under 'More Information' to view the Welcome page.

Especially note that the next meeting is on this Wednesday, 14th December, when the group are to auction off some bright orange flashing lights, which a local sponsor has been pleased to donate.

Unfortunately I have a meeting about Peak District Green Lanes to attend, so won't be there.

We do have members from Derby, Spondon, Burnaston, Diseworth and even Swadlincote (just inside the boundary), so you aren't alone living in the South of the County.

We get most of our work from Derbyshire County Council, but so far (in previous years) they tend to call for assistance in the parts of the County with more hills, and with less people per square mile. The Council do pay a mileage fee, but what you get is set below the threshold that would make it taxable income. This fee reduces your costs, but let no-one be under any illusion, being a volunteer will cost you money, and if you chose to attend the meeting (near Baslow) in a 50 to 60 mpg small 2wd car you wouldn't be the only one. Does tend to inhibit the post meeting Car Park conversation though!!


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Hi chaps,

I'm the membership secretary for Peak 4x4 Response, If any of you are interested in joining, or just want info on what we do then drop me a PM.

Thanks David for giving the background info. We do indeed have a meeting planned for this Wednesday evening and normally I'd issue an open invite to anyone who wishes to come, you'd be most welcome. However its the silly season with regard to Christmas dinners at the pub and I'd like to know beforehand if you wish to come along. Don't be put off, but please let me know via PM if you wish to come, you are under no obligation to join btw ^_^


Steve hales PR11

Peak 4x4 Response

Membership Secretary

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