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Glass fuse ratings

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Sorry if this has already been covered guys, I expected it to have been but I did a search for Glass Fuse and have read through 3 pages of results without finding the answer.

I blew a fuse fitting and testing a lighter socket in my Ninety then discovered I didn't have a single spare glass fuse.

So this weekend I pulled off the fusebox cover and bought spares for every variation from a local shop.

But when I just pulled the 12a fuse for the horn etc it says on it 12 amps continuous LUCAS 25A

So, are my new fuses correctly rated or should they have 2 values - because they don't.

Incidentally, I couldn't get 12a or 17a so I have gone up to 15a and 20a respectively anyway.

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Should I go down in ratings then rather than up a bit ?

Yes :)

17A is a common size cable for example, so of the circuit is wired with it and you run 20A through it without blowing the fuse, over time you will melt the wire...

15A is close enough to 17A to not cause you any problems, same for 10A and 12A.

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