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Roof lining

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La Salle make very nice head-linings, they aren't cheap though.


I've seen people use camping mats, insulation foam and carpet all with varying results but they are certainly cheaper and if you take your time/use the right adhesives they can work very well.


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I just ordered some of this: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/390356866180?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649

Will let you know how I get on but plan on putting it on sides and roof - may also do seat box as well but will wait and see. The sides already have FatMat on them to take the noise down. And I plan on throwing rubber horse matting on the floor and benches/seatbox to further reduce noise. Never know I might end up with a quiet landrover. :hysterical:

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I fitted a La Salle headlining to mine about 2 weeks ago, made a massive difference, it feels a lot less like a tin can now! Fitted it with the insulation underneath which has got rid of the condensation, made it warmer and there is a difference in how loud it is now... especially made my speakers much much louder now! :ph34r:

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