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Sunroof winder mech leak


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Hi Guy's, ( and gals if there are any here lurking in the shadows :) ). I've got water pouring in through the winder mech of the front sunroof. Roof lining is out and I've sorted all the other leaks but cant get a handle on this one . Any idea's ???? Is there a seal in the mech that I cant see that needs changing or is it just a case of changing the main rubber seal ?? The seal looks good tho tbh. Can these roofs be adjusted to get them to clamp down more ?? I cant even tape it shut at the mo cause its howling down here :( Got a waterproof seat cover, towel, and sandwich box covering the centre consol at the mo but thats no good when driving :)

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You only have two seals, the glass seal which you can see and the frame to body seal which you can't one or both is faulty and requires replacing.

The glass will only clamp down on the seal as far as the mechanism will allow there's no adjustment.

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Update. I stopped the leak :i-m_so_happy: . Theres a catch at the front of the glass that had gone above the prong rather than onto it. I think its bent something now tho cos on closing the roof I have to force the prong upwards with a screw driver to get it in the housing on the glass.

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Update. I stopped the leak :i-m_so_happy: . Theres a catch at the front of the glass that had gone above the prong rather than onto it. I think its bent something now tho cos on closing the roof I have to force the prong upwards with a screw driver to get it in the housing on the glass.

That happend to my mates sunroof, a nylon roller shattered allowing the curved locking mech to jump out of it's sliding grove he had to get a replacement sunroof just for this part and then went to get all his money back by selling the spare electric motor and blinds on ebay.

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