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Replace ignition barrel

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Hi all,

I've got a D plate 90, My keys went walkies on sat night. can't seem to find the key no.tried contact a dealership with my VIN but no joy. They can provided me with a barrel and two keys for £11. How easy is this? can i just replace the barrel? can't work out how to get the barrel out!!! any help would be appreciated

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If this is the ignition barrel - I think you may be in the classic 'catch 22'. I have not replaced a landrover barrel but the ones I have, require the key to be in the barrel to allow removal. Putting the key in retracts ( or allows the depression) of a hardened pin thus allowing the removal of the barrel. otherwise it's just down to 'butchery'. I guess it's to stop theft.

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Great, thanks a lot, went to the dealer today, they ordered me a barrel for the door!!!! think they missed when I said "ignition", they tryed charging me £130 for a new Steering Column Lock Assembly, think i'll go for the £30 one. cheers all

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