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TD5 Skipping a beat now and again

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My TD5 has started skipping a beat. It does not occur regularly or under any particular circumstance. It has happened pulling away. accellerating to overtake and cruising at 40 mph. It is as though it switches off and back on in a heart beat.

The last time before today, was over a week ago and then just once in a whole day driving around. Today it did it three times within minutes.

I have checked the red plug (ECU) and it is clear of oil.

This has only started since I changed the fuel filter last month (Bearmach). I have heard of problems with Britpart filters but no others.

Over to you guys, anything else you think I should check would be appreciated.

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Things to check:

Fuel-filter [ on a 90 it's in the rear wheel-arch].

Does the fuel-pump [in the fuel-tank] make a whooshing-noise before you start? If it does, this is a symptom of failing injector copper-washers letting combustion-gas back into the fuel-system. New washers cost pennies - if you leave it, it can kill the fuel-pump [£300 for parts to fix].

Does the turbo wastegate work properly? On my TD5 it seized closed - causing overboost and the ECU switching to a 'limp-home' fueling-profile which gave glacial acceleration.

If this happens to you, apply a 'dry' PTFE- or Graphite lube to the wastegate's entry to the turbo-housing and give it a few gentle taps with a hammer. Don't use an oil-based lube because the heat from the exhaust will carbonise the oil and make the problem vastly worse!


"Badgers are never the answer; Badgers are always the problem"

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