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how squeezable is silicone hose?


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after an annoyingly long time sent making up little brackets and cutting holes, i've got a big saab intercooler sitting infront of my radiator and need to see about plumbing it in.

i need to change pipe/hose size through 90 degrees between intercooler and pipes. intercooler is 57mm outside diameter and pipe is 54 mm diameter. Am i likely to be able to squeeze 54mm internal diameter silicone hose onto the 57mm intercooler ends or squeeze 57mm internal diameter hose onto the 54mm pipe?

I would reckon on being able to do this with rubber heater hose, but i've never handled silicone hose, so i dont realy know how flexible it is. My preference would be to use a rubber 90 degree bend as its cheap :D , but i can only find either 50 or 60mm internal diameter and i think that's going to be too much of a stretch.

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Have a pan of boiling water and grease the tube ends (Oooer)

Shove 1 end in the water for a min or two - then quickly Shove it on the tube end and then leave it to cool down etc, repaeat a few times and you'll be suprised how it can remould a tad or 5


thank you

i think i'll order up two 54mm silicone elbows for the intercooler end.

hose is annoyingly expensive stuff :(

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take a look at some of the hose stuff on here, in particular hose reduceers (not quite the right size) but may be of some use to you.


thanks, that's where i'd got my rubber elbow sizes from.

i found some silicone bends on ebay for £15 ea. so i think i'll get a pair of them to do the job.

quite a useful site though.



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