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New CV joint about to hit the market...


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I came across the photo on FB...

It seems the company which made my propshafts teamed up with GKN to spit some CVs out...I don't have any detail right now (splines etc); I assume, given dimensions and materials are pretty much the same used nowadays, they won't have anything exceptional, but who knows...


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Hi Marc,

sorry I'm not sure I got your question...?


Personally I find it interesting if GKN has a role in it...purely out of curiosity.

As to being local, it could be comfortable the day I'll ever need to change my setup...but it won't happen for a while,

as I'd have to change a few bits here and there other than just the CVs/axles.

I guess these might end up being sold through Equipe 4x4...eventually...so, it's just another option for those who will need to upgrade.

As to the prices, the OP wrote they should be offered at a competitive price...how much, nobody knows yet.

Being prototypes (I believe) I don't have any useful detail...

important as it is local to you and therefore...

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