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With my new CD player installed in a shiny new centre console I find that the standard LR speakers in my 110 are frankly, pants. I intend to replace these with something that has a reasonable chance of being heard over the burble of the Tdi at 120kmh and concomitant wind noise. I am toying with the idea of also fitting speakers in the rear over the back door and wondered if there are any decent off-the-shelf options on this front with housings etc.

Similarly, with the CD/radio fitted in the centre console position, the antenna lead no longer reaches the unit so a new aerial is needed. I tried to extend the existing lead but the result was cr*p. Any thoughts here?

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I changed the front speakers in my 90 for a better pair (still nothing expensive, about £30 I think but noticeably better which makes you wonder how much the LR ones cost to make!)

I also fitted box speakers in the rear, and while it is still hardly hi-fi (hardly surprising as the CD player and both sets of speakers only came to about £200 compared to my home hi-fi which was something more than 10x that...) it is a huge improvement on the sound of the std Defender setup.

Photo of the rear ones in my old 90, I have the same thing in the new one.


It probably wouldn't be an ideal location if you regularly carry back seat passengers (the ones in the back would get an earful) but I don't, so I don't care :)

The ones I used for the rears were Pioneer TS-44 which is a pretty budget unit but was what I could get locally. If I could, I'd probably get some better ones.

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Thanks for the input - very useful. On the subject of the aerial, do they all come with standard length leads or are some longer than others. Also are there any particualrly good aerial types - ie whippy carbon fibre jobs, tradtitional extending metal ones etc. I used to have a short rubber one of the Disco (oooer!) but which was adequate but not great although indestructible.

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I reckon the Genuine Parts Defender telescopic aerial is the best one you can get, having said that there are no trees round here :)

IIRC there is an aerial extension lead available under a LR part number for the Discoverys though I am afraid I don't know what it is... but any car audio place might be worth asking?

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