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handbrake button stiff and sticking after disconnecting...


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Grr. Changed the bias plate today after putting it of for ages. as I wiggled and pulled the giant plastic lump that is the center console, the handbrake lever shed it's little clip and pin that attach the handbrake cable to the lever. All good, thinks I. Saves me breaking the plastic trying to squeeze it over it.

On putting it back together I find the release button on b the lever doesn't return when released. And it feels too stiff. I found a spring I didn't recognise when cleaning up after myself and wondered if it may have dropped out of the lever?

Anybody got a clue about the internals of the handbrake lever? I may just get Dizzy to add a hand brake lever to my shopping list for the sake of not messing about with it, but it'd be nice to know...

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I think you will find that you have bent the rod inside the handbrake lever that is attached to the button,

I did this after removing the centre console to get to my diff lock mechanism and I suffered a sticking lever button for a year until it failed its mot because of it.

You will have remove the lever then drill the rivet out of the handbrake lever that holds the handbrake ratchet that the other end of the rod is attached to, then after straightening the rod use a bolt and nyloc nut to replace the rivet and replace the lever and all should be well.

Sounds a bit long winded but it took me only half an hour and I was wondering why I didn't do it earlier

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