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How to remove insulation shroud from rear of TD5 engine??


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Anyone who has been reading my clutch bleed thread will know that i've been having a bit of an issue tracking down air ingress in my clutch.

reb78 pointed me to the area where the problem lies, at the rear of the engine.

There's a piece of insulation inside a plastic shroud that is bolted to the rear of the engine.

I can find the passenger side bolt but not the drivers side one.

I'd appreciate some help with how to remove this :)

Cheers folks.

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Don't concern yourself people :)

Remove passenger side bolt.

Insert pry bar between head and shroud on driver's side and assert gentle pressure.

Shroud pops off rubber grommet.

Withdraw shroud over top of head (swearing optional)

Remove remaining 8mm bolt.

I doubt it will go back on as you'd need a Hobbit to get the driver's side bolt back in with the shroud in place.

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I have a hobbit you could borrow ?

Truly awesome :)

So there are two bolts - but it came off undamaged with just removing the one ?

Yes. The bolts fit through the same grommets that hold the engine cover on. The 8mm heads are small enough that they pass through the opening and retain the grommet on the head.

To refit would only need the grommet pushing back in to the hole and the bolt fitting.

I suppose you could lever it off without undoing either bolt...

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