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Front wheel sqeuk

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So I knew it was to good to be true! Haven't had any issues for a while now! So tonight when out driving I started to get a squek from what sounds like the front left according to my passenger. Seemed okay going straight and left corners made it squek. It then started happening on right corners too. Thought it might be a little stone caught in between the disc and pad so tried some heavy breaking but still there. It's now happening constantly even when going straight braking does some to affect it (changes the tone) but can't decide if it's brake related or bearing related and when slowing with the brake it changes because of the speed. It seems speed related the quicker I go the more often the swirl.

My first thought was calliper but it doesn't seem any hotter than the other side and no obvious pulling to one side. Looking under the car the swivel ball? I think it's called seems to be leaking a little not excessive the metal under it just seems a little darker that's all. But no drips and the tyre is dry.

Ideas where to start? Was going to strip the brakes down tomorrow am before work! Hoping to find something easy to fix but that's never the case! :(



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So sorry I never replied life seems to be really busy just now thanks to work! It turned out to be a stone stuck between the disc and mud guard. And he was very stuck but I eventually got him out and all is well!!

Thanks everyone and sorry about the delay!


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