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Lower Swivel Pin Bolts and torque settings

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I've got the swivel housing fitted and some shims installed etc. Next step is to get a spring balance and see if my shim pack is correct, but i've got a question about the lower pin bolts

They're M8 chappies, with 10mm heads, but the RAVE manual says to do them up to 78NM. Now i'm not an engineer, but i know how much effort is required to tighten something to 78NM and i'm really not sure an M8 bolt is going to take it... Infact if i was to put money on it, i'd say they'd snap long before 78NM.

I've tightened them as much as i dare with a 1/2" ratchet, and thaught i'd ask the question before doing them up any more. Is this likely to be a mistake? Haynes says "22 to 28nm" for the lower bolts, so i expect it is!

Also i've got a query on tightening the swivel ball to axle bolts. Clearly you cant get a torque wrench in there, so what i did was stick a ring spanner on the nut, then put my torque wrench into the "C" end of the spanner and tightened. The wrench clicked off at around the force i'd have expected it to, but i'm just wondering if this was an acceptable (if a little pikey) way to get the bolts tightened to 55LBft?


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IMHO the lower swivel pin can be well tightened due the strong nature of the bearing ( using finger thumb feelingunsure.gif - an adult may correct me soon) but the bearing in the upper pin can easily get knackered so that demands some care.


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Its nowt to do with the bearing, as the pin just bolts hard against the casing on the bottom, its the fact they're M8 bolts.

I've done some googling and the torque limit for a 12.9 M8 bolt is 46nm, and i'm not even sure these are 12.9's. I'll leave them as they are methinks!

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Mo: Ye cheers for the link, found something similar on google.

I suspect that its supposed to read 28NM which matches the haynes setting.

Any gen on my pikey torque wrench bodging of the swivel ball bolts?

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I wondered if you may have overtightened them, principle of levers and all that but I can't offer an alternative except to say that when I did mine, I tightened them up, then gave them two further tweaks. Not very scientific I'm afraid but the didn't come loose and none snapped ;)



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Ye, i wondered that too.

I think i'm going to do a test, by tightening a bolt, then trying to tighten it further using the spanner/torque wrench and see if it tightens up more or still clicks off at the same point.

They're tightened now anyway, i'm just wondering how accurately it will have been done!

Les, I'm weak, so i put the torque wrench on the end of the spanner and heaved until it clicked. The spanner was flexing like a goodun, so they're certainly tight!

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