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disco 3 new to me

michael calvert

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Have the belts been changed? (105,000m) Regular failures are clutches/DMF's on manual cars,EAS compressors,EGR valves,suspension bushes/ball joints,tailgate latches and wiring loom faults are just a few that come to mind...... (There are plenty more)

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is it worth swapping plugs while i can ie now before they're needed properly and too late?

Hard to say. The first one I saw the problem on was an 05 with a lot less miles than yours so you might be preventing a future problem or accelerating one that you could put off for a while, depending on whether they are already seized or not.

The problem IIRC (it's a while since I left my last job) is a very cheap and nasty weak steel bodied glowplug with very thin walls which is a very tight fit into an alloy head. Dissimilar metal corrosion occurs, the plug body seizes in the hole, and when you try to take them out, snap. Bet their advanced computer modelling didn't tell them that.

Head(s) off and a visit to a nice skilful man with a milling machine and a very good eye and steady hand can recover the heads (otherwise you'd have to buy new ones for £ouch) but it's not a 5 minute job - just stripping the engine down needs a degree in rocket science and then you have to get the wrecked plug bodies out and only after that can you reassemble the engine. It was a learning experience so could probably be done quicker but I think the first one they did at work took about a week... what's your garage hourly rate again? :blink:

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