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Posts posted by muddyplugger

  1. So far, I still fail to see what CRAG can do better than GLass. (or even different).

    I think another minority group with a handful members will have even less clout than LARA or GLass. I'm sticking with the bigger boys in the playground, thanks.

  2. My wing boxes went on (and stayed on) no problem with the single bolt. I just put some big washers on to spread the load. From memory I think they had some locating holes too? (Sold the lightweight now so can't check :( )

    They even stood up to driving with the huge aerials on too! B)

    I dont suppose this photo helps much, but at least it shows they do fit straight on!


  3. Can't help you with that one Siggy, but best steer clear of Parkamoor for the moment, I just received this from GLass:

    The U5051 Parkamoor IS CLOSED FOR NOVEMBER 2005 Tony Hill, Ranger, inspected the route on Tuesday 1 November 2005.

    After the recent prolonged heavy rain the route between Seven Wells and Selside is very wet and severely waterlogged in many places. The surface is muddy and soft. The route is not sustainable for motor vehicles in these conditions. Tony has therefore closed this route during the month of November.

  4. Yup - Bottom door seal definatley attached to the door, with regard to them pushing the doors out - I don't think body alignment was of great concern when they used some donor bits from other Landys to fit the Lightweight! :P

    I think its good that you can get the seal to touch the door and the frame! Well done! :D

  5. Cheers Western, the part code 395037 applies to a R/H door lock and a rear door. Do I assume that when these items are described, its by its hinges? i.e. lock to go on the left of the door (ie Rear door in UK) is described as a R/H door lock?

    My BIG reason for asking is that I have found a some door locks (on ebay, (oh no!!)) from a Pickup Defender, and I believe they have two locks/handles, my trouble is which is which? I emailed the vendor, whose reply was as much use as a chocolate teapot! My time is running out! eeek! I suppose I have a 50/50 chance eh?

    Sorry to be so thick here! :huh:

  6. I hold my hands up and say I know nothing (with a capital N) about Rangies, but I'm looking for a workhorse for aprox a year and have come across a local Rangie for sale (1987) V8 with 10 months tax/test for £800. It says is a good runner, but what are the major concerns here? What should I check for my £800??

    I need it to last a year and then sell it!...... or maybe...........get into the Rangie thing? :ph34r:

  7. I only buy fom people with excellent feedback, have high star rating and they are from the UK. I do enjoy having a browse now and again and see the numptys who are bidding for items that can be found cheaper in the shops!

    The trick is be level headed and research carefully.

  8. I know 'Onions' does, he took his shiney 300Tdi disco up Parkamoor.

    Some Easy lanes in the South Lakes are

    Bootle Fell - SD 1088 to SD 1489

    Ickenthwaite - SD 3088 to SD 3289

    Fell Foot - NY 3003 to NY 3001 (but not through to NY 3102)

    Oxen Fell loop - NY 3202 to NY 3101 to NY 3102 and back to NY 3202 (not through to Little Langdale as it is TRO'd at the ford but you could go down to the ford and back. Not through to NY 3002 due to narrow gates)

    Gt Langdale - NY 2906 to NY 3106

    Elterwater - NY 3103 to NY 3204

    Tarn Howse - NY 3201 to SD 3499

    I have not driven all of them but this info is from a good/trustworthy source.

    I hope its not un-pc to put these lanes on the forum, arguments for and against this sort of thing is heavily debated I know! (I wont be offended if the Mods remove them, OK! ;) )

    Disclaimer - You use these lanes at your own risk, and check that theres are no TRO's upon them and check the status of the lanes with your local rights of way officer, etc etc....

  9. Fantastic! Put this in the Tech archive where I can find it for when I do mine! Good work and thanks for the effort of putting it on here I'd say.

    By the way, what vehicle are the donor fans from? Does the left hand side one cover the intercooler as well, or does that not really matter?

  10. Thanks Les, I've checked the dipstick as suggested, and no oil is being blown from there. Good news then? :)

    Would there be other signs of ring damage (ooer missus!)?, theres no excessive smoke from the back. (except the bilge it chucks out on starting in the morning, but that seems normal)

    Me thinks you have had some experience of this recently then?????

  11. All these experiences are very useful, cheers! I think a set of 235/85/16 AT's on black modular rims is my final choice.

    I'm no speed merchant (can't be in a LR) and for the few days playing in the mud, AT's will be more than adequate (they are on the Disco). Getting stuck is half the fun eh?? :D

  12. I believe this can occur if the 'image' is not at the specified URL. One example could be say if someone had a picture on photobucket, and then posted it a few months ago and then last week deleted their image, then you should only see a placeholder.

    This can also occur with IE's security settings too. Verify the following are checked under Tools-->Internet Options-->Advanced:

    Play Animations in web pages

    Enable third-party browser extensions

    Show Pictures

    It could be a typical microsoft problem, and I'm sure there's someone more qualfied than me that will explain.

  13. Hi,

    i had this new filler cap cured the problem.



    Yeh, to go one one further, I tried to "mend" the filler cap! I tightened the two screws that hold on the metal lugs (and gave them a bend inwards for good measure), but in my over zealous nature when I put the cap back on it went POP! :( I carefully removed it to find I had stripped the plastic threads in which the metal screws are located!!! It doesnt bear thinking about what would have happened if they had dropped through! :o All this on a Sunday at 4pm!

    Why are there no 24 hour landrover spares departments when you want them??

    I went to two Automotive shops, but the reply was not good, so in desperation I went to Halfrauds. The lass in Halfauds tapped at her computer, and the reply "nah mate, dont stock them". On my way out I walked down an isle and noted they stocked about 5 different filler caps, (why they need a computer for that, I dont know!) but I selected one that looked similar (£3.50) and hey presto perfect fit!

    Oil leak solved! (Well one of them! :D )

  14. The rear door lock on my 90 is FUBAR, and thus needs replacement. I've searched the net but can't the find part I'm looking for. I keep coming across these anti-burst locks (have no idea what they are) but are they the same?

    Would this lock fit?


    This is listed as a Left hand tailgate latch for a pickup, part no.STC2872 (not sure photo and description match!) . The item looks similar, and if it is which 'side' latch do I require for a 90 back door?

  15. Question: Are Mud Terrains awful on road?

    I run Colway ATs on my Disco which IMHO are great, and want to stick some on the Defender, but I wonder what Colway MT's are like on the road. Noisier I expect, but will I end up sideways on a roundabout in the wet?

    I have also faced up to reality and this vehicle will mostly doing tarmac work, but want it at least capable when I go playing.

    Again apologies for the 'tyre' question, but hope this is a different slant! :unsure:

  16. It has been useful to have all the codes as 1st guy at the paint shop showed LAL (I gave then LAL and LRC659) showed Pewter metallic, and the second guy (same paint shop) found the correct Bonatti grey with the same LAL/LRC659 code!

    I dont know what is going on but I think some companies must list their paints with either code. It also shows that in the same paint shop, two different people can come up with two different paints with the same code! Most bizzare! :blink:

    At least I got what I want thanks to you guys on this forum! :D:D

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