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Posts posted by muddyplugger

  1. A few points in my opinion:

    As for this bit, CRAG are Professional. It is been done to get people out green laneing.

    To be a bit more professional I hope 'laneing' was as typo, and you meant laning.

    have GLASS AWDC TRF, Don’t know, not asked them. But all because we have not asked them dose not mean they cannot join us. Some GLASS and TRF members are joining us.

    If having no more than 5 vehicles (including bikes) and members from CRAG/GLASS/TRF are on the trip, it doesn't leave much room for the Newbies, who lets face it are the target audience.

    The Antis do like to get hold of organised events such like this, and manipulate and twist the truth, however legal it is.

    CRAG are certainly trying to up their profile, with several posts from Paul on this forum letting us know what they are/have been up to, but I agree with Nige - Be very careful.

    Count me out though.

  2. We all know how poor the rear door hinges are on Series/Defenders. The ones on my Defender are shot with the heavy spare wheel on the rear door.

    I cant afford a 'swing away' carrier as yet, but does anyone make Heavy Duty rear door hinges? Is there any mod that people have done, or am I resigned to replacing the pins every so often??

    I just can't stand the rattle anymore!!!

  3. I used CoverKing for My DII, but only got the front seats, as due to the complexity of the middle arm rest/centre seat, it meant having the arm rest in the up position permently with rear covers. This would hamper my rear vision too much, so only clean people in the back now! :rolleyes:

    CoverKing - Cheap and waterproof (tried and tested by my two year old by peeing on seat!) Nice.

  4. Magic. That's what I'm after. Do you happen to know whether they are already in the black plastic surround thing (technical term) that the old ones seemed te be in before their destruction?

    At about £30 on-line :o , best drop into the stealer's at Stockton and get them to see it! I'm sure they weren't that expensive from them!

    Image :MTC6538 (convex heated mirror)


  5. just fitted new hinges to the new doors on the 110 and made the doors fit properly. Unlike the clowns who fittted it the last time on the insurance job.

    Muddyplugger - you in a club of some sort in Durham?


    No mate, well yes (NE4x4) but have a brother in law (Onions, on this forum) who has a Land Rover, and have both parents and in-laws with Landys so I suppose its a family thing!! If you need anything regards lanes etc give me a shout! :D (The last lane, pictured is in Eggleston, when me and Onions went out checking some lanes we'd never driven, got a bit lost in the Stang forest!!!, but bagged two new ones) :P


  6. :( I thought it was too simple, as you say - we'd all have the system if it were cheap enough and that easy!

    If Dell are now working with LR using the T4 then I think a call to my IT friend who works at Dell may be in order ;) , in the mean time I may look into the effectiveness of those Digimoto packages (UK OBD).

    Now how many local Landrover owners do I know who want to buy into a syndicate for Diagnostic software? I may start a new LR club!! (membership might be a bit steep though!!!) :lol:

  7. Can 'Testbook' be run on a notebook?

    I read Rovacomlite's website on their diagnostic system which shows it running on a notebook, but I can't understand what some of the 'extras' are such as basic hardware (I assume they mean a notebook). The leads for connection are cheap enough at £35, but if I can source a 'testbok' cd, I purchase a lead......am I up and running?? :huh:

    All this info seems to be quite secret!

  8. According to Andy (he works at local L/R dealer) it should go just the same as when we did my 300Tdi.

    Spoke to him this morning.

    Best of luck


    Cheers Mate :D

    I've just got to get a new fuel pump fitted, then I can get it in the garage! Its not nice doing this stuff in the rain. It waters my beer down!! ;)

  9. .......it all started with a text message from the Mrs! "do you want the bad news, or the really bad news?".

    The bad news was that she had the disco and the ABS/HDC/TC lights had reapperaed! It was due for its MOT the next morning! The really bad news was the Disco had also managed to conk out half on the drive, half on the pavement., and refused to start!!

    I drove home from work in the Defender, no dipped beam headlights!!! Arrgh!!! (6pm) so followed close to a truck with only side lights.

    At home Disco would start, I thinks "its thst damn Injection wiring harness, oil in the ECU thing again". Pushed the Disco up the drive with the Defender and set to work in the rain removing ECU's harness plugs and cleaning the oil residue from the plugs. [This job had been fix 7 weeks earlier]

    It near to midnight and it still wouldnt start! Bed time.

    Went to work in the Defender which promptly broke down on the motorway!! (Raining) I had ran out of Diesel. Put in the spare gallon, accidenly left the cap on the motorway! Damn. :rolleyes:

    I phone the MOT/garage to cancel the MOT and explained problem, but they dont have a flatbed recovery truck! (I am still having to treat patients through this hassle!), local recovery firms £120! Ha, for 30 miles,I dont think so!!! RAC useless - 10 miles recovery.

    I took ECU to the Garage who opened it up to see if any oil was in, no oil -so why not starting I asked? The mechanic said "fuel pump"??? Then I registered, it didnt hear the normal whine/squeel of the pump!

    Went to drive home at end of day (before getting dark) and....mmm "thats nice colours under my Defender", drove off to find me leaving a 4ft wide diesel trail along the car park!!!

    Under the bonnet, the fuel hose had split and pumping out diesel like it had cut an artery! :blink: (no wonder I ran out this morning)

    Returned home after new fuel hose, put the Disco back together (in the rain) and sure enough no noise from the pump. The price of a fuel pump on the Disco is about £200! argh!!!!!!!

    Time for a beer! :lol:

  10. I've got a bit of a hunch here, that, when I took my Disco II in for a diagnostic on testbook (ABS affair), they had a fiddle with some other bits for a laugh!

    The problem is passenger door will not unlock with remote. No attempt from the actuator even, no noise, zilch.

    It will lock, no problem, but the only way to open the door is from the interior handle.

    I am no electrian but if I get the actuator locking then the unit works, cables are in place and all is well??

    I thought I would explore the possiblities of the thing going t1t$ up like the rest of the car before I went back to the stealer, for testbook again! (it would be just my luck for it to be a physical problem and then find me looking sheepish in the Stealers with a hole in my wallet, as it wasn't their fault.)

    Any ideas?

  11. Wasnt there an another (earlier) recall on SII discos, concerning ABS sensors returning "spurious" signals that would trigger the modulator? This would result in a slight vibration on the pedal...

    Yes but I think this was due to the ABS relay sensor sticking, which retarded the vehicle after braking.

    The ABS lights 'thing' does not apperar to be a 'safety issue' with Land Rover, so if its out of warranty - tough luck. :(

  12. Yup, tried the recall thing, they returned with a printout showing that the recall job was carried out 2002! Damn it!

    So far its all quiet, so I'm fingers crossed until MOT on Tuesday. After then it can light up all it wants! At least I will have the whole year to fix it.

  13. Ok, I'll step in in my professional capacity:

    Ice the area as described by Simon. (current evidence no longer that 8 minutes at a time)

    Take Ibruprofen to reduce the inflammation.

    If your nose is displaced (as described before) then get it seen to and maybe relocated. (Maybe!)

    You may want to take some decongestants to help you breath tonight!

    I always find a pint helps too!!!! (NB: NSAID's (Ibruprofen) and Alcohol are not meant to be mixed. - Make you a bit drowsier.)

    Got to be worth a few days off work though!

    (NHS direct won't really be much help, you've already had the best advice from members on this forum)

  14. Just thought I'd post an update on these 3 amigos of mine!

    I originally thought I had a dicky O/S/R ABS sensor fault, as, when testing the resistance of them all, that was the odd one out. (Warning Lights on all the time, no amount of turning on and off would solve them).

    I bit the bullet and took it to the Main Stealers for them to stick it on 'Testbook'. (£47 for 1/2 hour diagnostic :angry: )

    The result came back N/S/F wheel sensor throwing an erratic signal, and Lift Pump fault. I asked if the mechanic could could show me the lift pump (hadn't a clue where/what this did). The reply was to just change the wheel sensor and see if still happens, if it does replace the ABS ECU (£1150 quoted for the part).

    When I returned to the car, the 3 lights I had been living with for 2 months, were operating correctly and went out! Hurrah! I dont know what 'testbook' had done but (so far) the lights are off. (I'm not holding my breath as I didnt expect a fix!)

    I am going to put it through the MOT ASAP, incase the lights return, I dont mind £53 for ABS sensor, but a Grand for the Lift Pump? What the heck does that do??? :huh:

    Its times like this that the old defender without its electric trickery is sitting on the drive looking very smug!

  15. Firstly let me say that I am pleased with my Disco II (1999 T reg GS), but its the bad pionts you're after so here are the things that have gone amis with mine.

    The 3 amigos ABS, HDC & TC lights on and off like a brides nighty! - Still no cure and now I have an ABS wheel sensor fault and they are on all the time. It is a common fault with the ABS system and has/is costing owners a few quid to rectify (if ever)

    I have had a new injection wiring harness (dont know how you can test if that will be faulty till it fills with oil)

    I have had a new Viscous fan (bearings went) had done 115K though.

    Sun roof leaks if I park it up hill. (wet rear carpet)

    New radiator (problem with 1999 models 'aparently')

    Not too bad really! :)

    I have heard that exhaust valves can stick, but I guess check for proper maintaince schedlue etc etc.

    The rear doors can be a problem, check the thing opens! The key lock in the rear door gets bunged up with crud, check that works.

    I would also check the service manual and see if it has had the recalls (if recorded), I know Land Rover did recall certain Discos for numerous problems including ABS modulator, fuel lines, the ACE pump, handbreak adjustment, but as to which VIN numbers I dont know!

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