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Posts posted by Disco-Ron

  1. Try putting it in a higher gear............ ie, less engine revolutions per wheel revolution.... meaning the engine has to turn less to hopefully be to the point of cracking the nut off........ when it gets on tension, belt the socket bar with a mallet or something to shock it....

  2. I have a 90 with a six bolt box, which has just sprung a fairly substantial leak... i have a 4 bolt sat on the garage floor waiting, can someone confirm that it's literally a straight swap.... ie, same threads on the input output pipes etc...... i don;t want to get half way through the job and get scuppered............


  3. 300 axles will physically fit wether on a 90 or 110, however discovery 300 rear axles come with a three pronged flange on the differential, this needs changing to a four bolt one, v8 discovery did not have a 4pin diff.

    The only thing is, that it's claimed that the standard rover axle isn't rated for the rear of a 110, not all 110's were fitted with Salisbury rear axle, so they must have done something to the rover axle to allow it to be fitted on the back of the 110.... No idea what though!

  4. From what I can tell, the cat version is different, the downpipe is one piece, not three, and the outlet is more inboard, where as the non cat is actually quite tight to the chassis......

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