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Posts posted by stuck

  1. I'd check the entire loom with a meter and visually but yes you may get away with. It.

    Yes you can drive the truck without using the glow plugs, put the old plu back in though and obviously ensure the elective are safe before you do.

  2. Gents,

    Long shot this but I was wondering if anybody has a dimensioned drawing of a P38 chassis?

    I want to build my next CCV truck, never heard of anybody using a P38' probably a reason for that...



  3. Thanks Gents,

    With the flexy clamped the pedal is solid so looks like the issue is slave cylinder.

    Fitted a brand new one so is it likely I have done something wrong or bought a dodgy cylinder?

    I set the rod length on the master cylinder but there didn't seem anything to adjust on the slave, just slid it on to the push rod and bolted it up.

    Bleed nipple is at the top.

  4. Hi all,

    Brake fluid, very expensive stuff that is only performing a very basic hydraulic function.

    Can hydraulic oil be substituted?

    I only ask because I have access to 100's of gallons of hydraulic oil and don't like paying £8 for a little bottle of brake fluid!

  5. Cheers Gent's, managed to get it back together.

    Still got a problem though :(

    New master cylinder, new slave cylinder but still no clutch, realy raining me off now.

    Strange thing is with the Gunson Easi bleed connected the clutch works perfectly, soon as I disconnect it though, no bloody clutch!

    Can't be air in the system, I've put over a litre of fluid through the damn thing!

    Any ideas please because I've had enough.

  6. Gents,

    Had an issue with my clutch today (110 TD5)

    My clutch has always been at the top of the pedal but as I joined the motorway and changed gear the bite point was suddenly at the bottom.

    Problem got progressively worse until I couldn't get her out of gear and she was trying to go forwards even with the clutch fully depressed.

    Limped home in third and found that the clutch master cylinder was empty but no signs of a leak, have topped it up and bled the system and I can now select gears but the bite point is still right at the bottom so somethings not right.

    My guess is master cylinder but would appreciate opinions before I start ripping things apart.

    Thanks in advance,


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