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Posts posted by stuck

  1. Hi all,

    Last year I squirted a 3.9 that has now gone to the big bomb hole in the sky (broken chassis and tired engine and box).

    I'm now thinking about tackling a 4.6 that I have lying around (as you do) :rolleyes:

    I'm sure I've seen a post on doing this but can't find it.

    So... are there any fundamental differences or if you can find the post I'm thinking of any chance of pointing a blin b@$tard in the right direction please?


  2. Hi all,

    Any reason there doesn't seem to be a pinned archive for Memory Map files of legal BOAT's etc?

    (I guess people may be unwilling to share with reckless users)

    Could we create one that would only be accessible to forum members?

    Just a thought.


  3. Hi all,

    The fuel gauge on my 110 is getting on my nerves, if you fill the tank and then go on a drive the gauge will not move from full.

    If you turn the ignition off and back on again it will reset its self to a correct(ish) :rolleyes: level.

    I've checked all the connections etc but can't find anything wrong, I've also tried hitting the gauge to see if the needle is sticking, again no joy.

    Any ideas?

  4. Thanks for the replies.

    My mate is just getting in to challenge events but has a large budget :rolleyes: (I'm glad Scrapiron aren't still around to fleece him)

    Hydraulic is probably his best option as he doesn't know one end of a spanner from the other.

    One of the posts had a link to "Red Winches" any coments?

    I will admit to having a vested interest as when he gets bored the winch will probably come my way. :ph34r:

  5. Hi all,

    Was changing the suspension on my 110 today,

    Lying under the truck looking at the big trolley jack and three bricks supporting the chassis under the tow bar :unsure: I was expecting a visit from the Darwin award committie... :ph34r:

    So come on chaps, how do you do similar jobs safely?

    I have some HGV axle stands but they aren't tall enough and are as dodgy as the above method when balanced upon a pile of bricks.

  6. Hi all,

    My suspension kit turned up from Gwyn's today and I have changed the front this afternoon without issue.

    Not 100% sure about how to do the back though, this is what I think I need to do, please tell me if I'm wrong!

    1) Jack up the truck so that both wheels are off the floor a lot.

    2) Remove both shocks and springs.

    3) Change trailing arms.

    4) Reassemble.



  7. Gents,

    Forgive me if this is a FAQ but a mate of mine is thinking of building a challenge truck.

    He's asked me a question about winches that I can't answer so any advice would be appreciated.

    What are the pros and cons of a hydraulic winch (PTO driven) versus something like a Gigglepin twin motor Warn?

    Thanks in advance,


  8. Q codes aren't really necessary or relevant to radio operation on any 'phone (voice) mode. Originally the Q codes were used by CW (morse code) operators to reduce the number of characters they had to send. The Q codes are for common radio phrases, so help to increase transmission speed, reduce the sent characters and increase accuracy.

    However, they have always been used on 'phone, more so by amatuer operators using SSB where voice is not always as clear as it is on FM. Frankly the use of Q codes on FM (CB is FM) is OTT.

    Thanks for taking the time to explain that.

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