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Posts posted by outdoor_ian

  1. Its happened a few more times today, I thought the fuel lift had solved the problem but alas no. Its seems strange how it is intermitant making it rather dificult to track down the pronblem. So far replaced the air filter, fuel filter and fuel lift pump along with making sure the fuel cap is breathing. Would the EGR setup cause any of these problems??????

  2. Slighty different tact here.

    How about Something along the lines of a length (sure you wouldnt need much) of seat belt type tape/material with a handle/loop in one end and the other attached to the seat belt anchor point between the middle and drivers seat. This could then be tucked out of the way when not in use and saves you drilling holes in various places.

    Just a thought and should be pretty straight forward to make and not cost much either.

  3. Hi All

    Why do things go wrong when its cold & wet !!!!

    Vehicle: Defender 110

    Year: 1999

    Engine: 300 TDI


    While driving along quite happily when using a bit of acceleration the vehicle just cuts out/dies or seems to then as soon as you release your foot off the accelerator pedal it carrys on going not at speed just at whatever the peddle is at. Its not specfic to any gear just acceleration.

    Its had a new air filter and a new fuel filter as it feels like its being starved of fuel somehow, almost as if a fuel pipe is being sucked flat and on release of the pedal its returning to shape. I've lubed up the fuel filler cap to try prevent any vacume forming in the tank.

    Any ideas?

    Cheers people.

  4. A friendly open day with a number of vehicles on display along with a selection goodies to look at and/or buy with some good deals to be had.

    Excellent BBQ and cakes, YES cakes :rolleyes:

    The weather held off too !!!!!

    Great new showroom.

    Just a happy customer, no affliation.

  5. When you have the complete seats out this is a good time to hoover and clean the area behind the bulkhead it you have one and to get at all the crud on the seat box!

    When you have the seats apart, if you have the time I also found it worth while giving any visible bits of the frame and base a blast with some black spray paint.

    Just depends how nice of a job you want.

  6. I did mine a while back, the first one will be a bit of a learning curve.

    Depends how you do it. The seat bases are pretty easy, I did both of these first to get to grips with things.

    Next I then did the seat backs.

    The hardest part I found was pulling the back done while turning the clip in. (You'll find out what I mean) All that is really needed however is an extra pair of strong hands.

    Moan about britpart we all do but they do a dvd that comes with their seats and its reasonably helpfull.

    Hope this helps.

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