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Posts posted by jad

  1. I bought a set of Sil-blades from MUD which initially were great and on the basis of the cost, I hoped they would last a long time! Sadly they didn't and now need replacing after about the same as cheapo blades! Halfords own brand next time!


    Funny I was gonna say the opposite.... I had a set for quite a long time and never had any problems with degradation. Would buy them again. Maybe they changed something?


  2. Little update,

    Been making some seat rails for the different seats and also looking at what I can do for doors. I have some ali military door tops that just need a paint in my chosen colour. The front doors I have are a bit of a state so am tempted to get some more from ashtree land rover. I am looking to repair the rear door though as it isnt too bad though.

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  3. Not sure about Borg Warner but lt230 it's pull back for high ratio.


    It is as standard but I think that the standard shifter is on a pivot and the linkage comes off below the pivot meaning that forward is back and back is forward?.... But I havent had a look at a car and cant find any pics on the internet so cant be too sure!

  4. It wont be used much off road. I got a bit bored of pay and play sites with my 90. Everything started to look the same.... Mostly it will be green laning trips with mates, winter hack and chav beater :P

    I went for the Borg Warner T Box for the centre diff. Hopefully it will spread the power somewhat more effectively, prolong axle life and reduce axle tramp.

    If I have axle tramp issues then yes I will be investigating some traction bar type system but at the moment I would like to keep it more simple if possible :)

  5. Crikey that was quick! Definitely has potential....I like the incorporated tray. Are the cup holders big enough for costa cups? :P Think they might be a bit close to the megasquirt et al though, although I assume you have got the cover we are going to make for the electrics already on their? ;)

    Hand fabricate? could make a billet top cover for the tunnel?......

  6. Cheers Will. I want something like that. just trying to work out the best way to keep it looking neat and tidy. I was planning on using a disco gaiter but dont have one to look at right now. Not sure how I would mate the current square hole to the round gaiter a defender has.... Will have to get hold of a couple and have a play. Cutting the gearstick is probably a good idea as at the moment it is a little far back, although manageable, but if you turn it around 180 degrees its a little far away! So right and forward would be ideal :i-m_so_happy:


  7. We made a brace to go under the seatbox for the handbrake.

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    Made an attachment for the transfer box linkage to secure the knob


    and after a little cutting and drilling the centre panel is on. Still not sure what to with the gearbox stick gaiter though so am open to suggestions!


    I also added the original series instruction plate which im still hoping is correct with high towards the front..... Correct me if I am wrong?


    We also finished off the drivers side rock slider as that has been waiting for a while now!

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  8. So rather than being ill this Christmas I decided to get on with some car work! What a novel idea :blink:

    Gearbox tunnel has been constructed

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    We used some more lumiweld to fill in some fold lines. Its a little tricky to use but can yield some faily good results.

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    et voila

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    And with a bit of trimming the original footwell panels fit. Although I am still a little unsure whether I want to make some new ones or not. I suppose it could always be done later when its on the road.

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    and a bit more in the next post....

  9. We tried using a car batter that was at about 80% but it didnt put out much current at all. I wanted to use an old laptop charger which gives 19V at 3.5amps but my dad said it wasnt safe... <_<

    The parts will be well cleaned when they come out. I took out one of the less rusty parts this morning washed it off in clean water dried and scrubbed it. It seems like a big improvement over their initial state! :)

    Fortunately the noise the steering pump was making has now gone so I believe it was just air, but the leak is still there so I am fairly sure it needs another new seal :angry: but at least Its only 1 circlip and pulling the bearing out after the pump is off. That might wait though as it doesnt seem too bad....



  10. So at a main dealer or even indi specialists you pay heavily for labour -- remember some places will charge £170-250/hour labour rate!!!

    Not sure where you got your figures from but that's over double what the labour rates actually are for a main LR dealer.


  11. Time for a little update. Has been too long!

    Firstly I have rebuilt the power steering pump as it has been leaving puddles of oil on the garage floor with regular precision. Unfortunately I have now gone from 1 to 2 problems! The pump is now making a less than perfect noise which gets worse with lock especially at the end stop. I am hoping this is due to air being in the system but am currently envisaging taking the pump apart again.... The 2nd problem is that it still appears to be leaking... which I am hoping will stop... yeah I know who am I kidding! This leak is coming form the drainage hole at the from of the pump where the nose bearing is. I am hoping that this fluid is just excess from when I pushed the bearing back in but thats probably wishful thinking and means a new seal as well :glare: I didnt take any pictures of this procedure but if anyone is interested this is a good thread.

    The car also now has a throttle cable. Its a combination of 200tdi and lexus but I think looks pretty factory! My dad made a clevis pin in stainless as we couldnt find the one for the pedal...

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    We also installed the boss in the intake pipework for the air temperature sensor. We used a product called lumiweld which seems to be pretty good. However getting the object hot enough (382 celcius) proved a challenge we couldnt quite meet and ended up heating the rod which you arent meant to do. But it seems to have worked well enough. The large bore ali pipe is a bit too good at dispensing the heat or my patience doesnt last long enough :P


    We have also been having a little experiment with removing rust using electrolysis and all seems appears to be going well albeit slowly as we are only using 0.5 to 1.2 amps. There are some dismantled seat rails in the tank at the moment. So here is a lovely picture for you!




  12. Some more bits from the weekend. My dad is making very good progress with the wiring and most of it is now done apart from the rear of the vehicle (Which I think he did a fair bit of tonight!).

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    I have also added another exhaust box to quieten things down and routed the exhaust to the rear. (No bitter women complaining this weekend :P )

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  13. It is a great relief to have it running! Impressive that the ecu is working first time as my dad built it from scratch. Expected something not to be quite right.... Even the extra circuits for the fan control, IAC and a cold start light :wacko:

    Some more bits done today.

    Horns work :P

    Radiator fan is in which was a VERY tight fit :popcorn-and-drink-smiley-emotic Its mounted to the front panel rather than the rad and just has enough clearance to slide some cardboard in between it and the rad. Had to cut a couple of small sections out of the front grill for the bolt heads but nothing to excessive.


    and side/head lights work


    Exhaust bits being ordered this week...



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