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Posts posted by general-confusion

  1. you are correct in that the tomcat dash is just a bare fibreglass shell and there would be quite alot of work in sorting the heater controls and ducts although not impossible. I dont have a heater at all in my challenge truck as its just wasted weight. And Steve yes i like the dash very much as it's light with plenty of space for switches etc and puts my locker switches right by my steering wheel

  2. hmm , i see what you mean JST , it looks like your plastic breather thingy on the drivers side of the engine has the outlet that points forwards going back into the rocker cover just behind the oil filler cap , I dont have that tee on my rocker cover will add a photo later but its dark now. As for the servo a pipe goes from the vacuum pump on the back of the alternator straight to the servo.

  3. Hi I wonder if you can help me as my 2.8 tgv has a breather pipe that goes no where and this isnt good as its an instant way to fill your sump full of water when deep wading. The pipe in question comes from the plastic breather "thing" on the drivers side of the cylinder head and comes round the front of the engine in a metal pipe just infront of the thermostat and stops . I tried connecting it to the inlet manifold via a drilled and tapped connector but there is such pressure in the manifold it seems to pressurise the whole sump. Any ideas or better still pics

    Thanks in advance

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