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Adrian Turner

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Posts posted by Adrian Turner

  1. Morning all,

    [allo allo mod on]

    aw wille ornly saay zis once

    [/allo allo mode off]

    I am not involved in any way this year with this event,

    not as an Official, Organizer, Marshal or any other way

    For any info contact via the HBRLO website

    I would now ask I am allowed to go back to sleep :lol:


    I have posted up on Devon that its being run/ set up by some body new.... so back to sleep nige. :P

  2. Bobtail,

    I didn't want a single beadlock, if I'm going to do it I will do a double beadlock which will mean making in into a splitrim, not so pretty then.

    Up until then I'll stick with the Stauns, but yep yours look well, who's done them?


    Twiggy, I've got a set of mac 5's with the rings fitted, i used to run them with simex before going to boggers.

    Could be yours for a modest fee......... ;) cant use them on the new truck as they are 6 stud :rolleyes:

  3. Darling, it's lovely to hear of you,

    I run my tyres at 12psi and my Stauns at 60psi,

    I'm not cutting my Mach5's up just yet when the Stauns are still doing a good job but, who know's?

    Saleys just done his own double bead locks and I think they're bludy good, wheel see. :rolleyes: sorry

    Have you ever run your tyes lower at say 6-7 psi??? want to know how they performed.

    I saw Saleys at the weekend, they looked the part, and worked to.

  4. It was a great event; I went to watch and it looked good fun <_<

    I did bring my video camera but completely forgot to take any videos due to me constantly being distracted

    I watched Chris through many of the sections and all I can say is that I was very impressed :) Alistar Darling is quite a lucky chap owning the vehicle and I

    am glad to see it will be at the howlin wolf next year.

    If all goes to plan I should at least be competing in the last few events in my Unimog… but then who knows at my current build speed it might be the 2010 series :).



    Tom mate, i'm not the new owner, but will be in the left seat next year........... plus when i see Chris next i'll have a quite word with a hammer <_<

  5. A big thanks to Neil and the team for another years event. Well done to all the winners of the classes and to the sponsors

    for there input. Hopefully the sections will be as mixed next year as this.

    A big thanks to Pigster for running like a dog all year and to my stand in co-drivers.

    Next year i'll be in the left seat out to kick ar$e!

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