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Adrian Turner

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Posts posted by Adrian Turner

  1. Black smoke = More Power = getting up hills faster :)

    We had a great weekend up in Scotland, Alan, Dafydd, Simon and I worked hard for that at the weekend. It was by far the hardest event we have done so far. I would like to thank the Teams that were true sportsman, letting us pass in a section.

    Its a shame that Mr Marsden broke his car so soon, i was really looking forward to overtaking mid section, maybe ill get the chance next year?!

    Look forward to seeing some more photo's, i hope someone got a picture of Alan's car driving on two wheels in section 11 :rolleyes:

    Mr Nick has got some great shot's of that :lol:

    Well done lad's on a great team win :i-m_so_happy:

  2. JIM,

    In Setember, the wheather is usually hot, but if it rains... You may need some diving equipement. :D:D . The place in the picture is in the track of the European Cross cars, every year we have an SS there. In the year of this picture was the worst, i stayed there 30m and my cpu broke down and i had water in the fuel tank as well. All the others years, we did ok. In 2008 we will be there in the last night(saturday to sunday), during the last 3 SS, it all depends how the organization makes the SS.

    Filipe Santos

    Estrada Real

    Remember your's are left hand drive's............. jim will be very wet :lol:

  3. ''Oh god'' now look what i've started, i was only saying that with a site that big use it all and not so much in the water, i'll not talk about it anymore. Anybody that know's me will know that i will drive up/down and through anything you can set out.......... plus i like the site as it has so much to offer.

    Don't hammer the marshall's as they do a hard job in some plop weather, the series is very, very well run. And will all my remark's you would have thought we had had a bad day but we had had a very good'ish (read snapped TRE) day all in all.

    And for me i can not wait for Tong as i,ve not been before, if you want to have a chat come and find me, you no who i am, and we can discuss thing's as next year i may be joining you guy's :ph34r: Then there will be some moan's :lol:

  4. I know what you are saying about cheat's :angry: When we got to punch 1 in the afternoon we found the rope down and a clear set of simex marks running over the rope up to the punch and back out again :rolleyes: what is the point :angry: We went the right(long) way round and drove the lot..... my best drive of the day, enjoyed that one :P

    As to the mashall's, you do do a grand and thankless job, please keep it up.

    And i still dont see the point of punch's in very deep water............ i hope you walk the water when you put them out??? form a safety point of view, we dont want a novice upside down in deep water now do we!

    See you at the next one........

  5. Well all i will say is if you like lot's and lot's of deep water then that's the site for you.............. but for me i can't see the fun in putting out (so many) punch's in deep water. Setting up team remember ''it's not your motor your going to putting in there'' there were so many hill's and bank's that were not used.

    Did we have a good time ''yes'' were we any good on the day ''no'' best bit for me was going back to the van to get a replacment Tre and finding Mr Able there :lol: did put a smile on my face :P;)

    Twiggy, as for the section's getting harder...... i think you may be right, ''me'' i'd rather do 2 very hard (dry'sh) technical section's in a day over 20 in 4-5' foot of water....... but that's just me! :lol:

    Be good to see some pic's............... anybody.

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